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Catholic Brain's online dictionary is the perfect go-to resource for students when given research assignments on the Catholic faith. Utilizing the OSV Catholic Faith Words, reports will be a breeze with access to thousands of entries on Catholic saints, Catholic feasts, Bible location, people of the Bible, Catholic Church history, and many, many more.

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A short story Jesus told about everyday life to teach something about God.

Parable a short story Jesus told using examples from everyday life or nature to illustrate moral or spiritual truths.

The local community of Catholics that meets at a particular place.

"The individual judgment by God at the time of a person's death; when God decides, after a person's death, where that person will spend eternity according to his or her faith and works."

"A large, white candle that is lit from the Easter fire, and is used during the Easter season and at Baptisms and funerals as a symbol of the Resurrection."

"The mystery of Jesus' suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

"Christ's work of redemption through his suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

The Jewish holy day that celebrates God's leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

"A Saint who has a particular connection to a cause, place, type of work, or person. For example, if a person or city shares the name of a Saint, that Saint is a patron."

When things are calm and people get along with one another.

Peace a state of calm or harmony when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

A state of calm when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

A prayer or an act to make up for sin.

"Penance the name for the prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

"The prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Penance and Reconciliation the Sacrament of Healing that celebrates God's mercy and forgiveness and a sinner's reconciliation with God and the Church through absolution from a priest.

Fifty days after the Resurrection when the Holy Spirit first came upon the Twelve disciples and the Church.

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and first disciples fifty days after Easter.

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit fifty days after Easter.

Making a promise under oath which the maker does not intend to keep.

"Personal sin a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission that violates the law of God."

Asking God for what we need.

"In this prayer form, we ask God for what we need."

"The successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome, and the head of the entire Church."

"In this prayer form, we give God honor and thanks because he is God."

Giving God honor and thanks because he is God.

Talking and listening to God. It is raising your mind and heart to God.

Talking to and listening to God.

Prayer of the Faithful prayer at Mass for the needs of the Church and the world.

Precepts of the Church some of the minimum requirements given by Church leaders for deepening our relationship with God and the Church.

"An ordained man who helps his bishop by leading a parish, preaching the Gospel, and celebrating the Eucharist and other Sacraments."

To tell about Jesus in words and actions.

A messenger from God who speaks the truth and calls the people to follow the laws of God's covenant and act with justice.

A sixteenth-century religious separation from the Catholic Church that began with Martin Luther's preaching against what he felt were errors in the Church.

God's loving care for all things; God's will and plan for creation.

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps us be practical and make correct decisions on what is right and good, with the help of the Holy Spirit and a well-formed conscience."

"Poems and hymns that were first used in the liturgy of the Israelites. Today, the psalms are also prayed and sung in the public prayer of the Church."

Poems and prayers from the Bible; they can be said or sung.

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven that removes any remaining personal obstacles to eternal union with God. Purgatory frees the person from temporal punishment ( being deprived of the entrance into Heaven for a time) due to sin.

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven.