"An ordained man who serves the Church by assisting in the Eucharist, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and doing works of charity."
Catholic Brain's online dictionary is the perfect go-to resource for students when given research assignments on the Catholic faith. Utilizing the OSV Catholic Faith Words, reports will be a breeze with access to thousands of entries on Catholic saints, Catholic feasts, Bible location, people of the Bible, Catholic Church history, and many, many more.
Another name for the Ten Commandments; the summary of laws that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. They tell us what must be done to live by God's covenant.
Another name for the Ten Commandments; from the Greek phrase meaning 'ten words'.
"Popular prayers or practices that honor Jesus, Mary, and the Saints."
"Discernment the process by which a person reflects, discusses, and prays about how God might be calling him or her to live out a particular vocation."
"One who learns from and follows the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."
A follower of Jesus who believes in him and lives by his teachings.
"Disciples people who learn from and follow the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."
Followers of Jesus who believe in him and live by his teachings.
Discipleship accepting Jesus' invitation to believe in and follow him by studying his ways and putting them into practice.
Divine Inspiration
The gift of the Holy Spirit which assisted the human authors in writing the Bible to ensure it contained the truths God wanted us to know.
Divine Revelation
"The way God makes himself, and makes his plan for humans, known to us."
Divine Revelation
"The process by which God makes himself, and his plan for humans, known to us."
Divine Revelation
The process by which God makes himself known. The chief sources of Divine Revelation are Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Doctrines official Church teachings on matters of faith and morals. Catholics are obligated to believe these truths.
Domestic Church
"Domestic Church a name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."
Domestic Church
"A name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."