The joy of living eternally in God's presence.
Catholic Brain's online dictionary is the perfect go-to resource for students when given research assignments on the Catholic faith. Utilizing the OSV Catholic Faith Words, reports will be a breeze with access to thousands of entries on Catholic saints, Catholic feasts, Bible location, people of the Bible, Catholic Church history, and many, many more.
The full joy of living with God forever.
Living and being happy with God forever.
"The state, or experience, of the full joy of living eternally in God's presence."
Eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.
Being separated from God forever because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.
"The state, or experience, of eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness."
Hierarchy the organization of the Church into different levels of leadership and membership.
"A state of becoming more God-like, living in his presence and with his love."
The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes; a Mark of the Church.
Unique and pure; set apart for God and his purposes.
A mark of the Church. The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes and God is holy. Christ gave himself up to make the Church holy and gave the Church the gift of the Holy Spirit to give her life.
Holy Communion
Receiving Jesus' Body and Blood in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Holy Days Of Obligation
"Holy Days of Obligation all Sundays, as well as designated holy days that Catholics are required to participate in the Mass."
Holy Family
"The name for the human family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph."
Holy Orders
"The Sacrament in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, or deacons."
Holy Orders
"The Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, and deacons."
Holy Spirit
The Third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.
Holy Trinity
"The mystery of one God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Holy Trinity
"The one God in three Divine persons-god the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit."
Holy Trinity
"A name for the three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
A short talk about the readings at Mass.
"The virtue that helps you trust in all that God the Father has made known, in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and the help of the Holy Spirit."
"The theological virtue that helps us trust in the true happiness God wants us have and in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit."
Human Dignity
Human dignity the worth each person has because he or she is made in the image of God.
The moral virtue that helps us to know that God is the source of everything good. Humility helps us to avoid being prideful.