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Catholic Brain's online dictionary is the perfect go-to resource for students when given research assignments on the Catholic faith. Utilizing the OSV Catholic Faith Words, reports will be a breeze with access to thousands of entries on Catholic saints, Catholic feasts, Bible location, people of the Bible, Catholic Church history, and many, many more.

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Abba the Aramaic word with the English equivalent of "daddy" or "papa".

Abba the Aramaic word with the English equivalent of "daddy" or "papa".

Abba the Aramaic word with the English equivalent of "daddy" or "papa".

Words spoken by the priest during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to grant forgiveness of sins in God's name.

Words spoken by the priest during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to grant forgiveness of sins in God's name.

Actual grace is the help God gives us in our particular need or to do a particular good act or to avoid evil.

Actual grace is the help God gives us in our particular need or to do a particular good act or to avoid evil.

Actual grace is the help God gives us in our particular need or to do a particular good act or to avoid evil.

"Literally means 'he who is called to one's side. ' The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, guiding and comforting us, strengthening us to know and live by the truth."

"Literally means 'he who is called to one's side. ' The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, guiding and comforting us, strengthening us to know and live by the truth."

"A type of spiritual being that does God's work, such as delivering messages from God or helping to keep people safe from harm."

"A type of spiritual being that does God's work, such as delivering messages from God or helping to keep people safe from harm."

Spiritual beings that praise God and serve him as messengers to help people understand God's plan or to keep them safe from harm.

Spiritual beings that praise God and serve him as messengers to help people understand God's plan or to keep them safe from harm.

Spiritual beings that praise God and serve him as messengers to help people understand God's plan or to keep them safe from harm.

The Angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she was called to be the Mother of God.

The Angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she was called to be the Mother of God.

"To use oil to mark someone as chosen for a special purpose. In biblical times, the priests, the kings, and sometimes the prophets were anointed as a sign of God's favor."

"To use oil to mark someone as chosen for a special purpose. In biblical times, the priests, the kings, and sometimes the prophets were anointed as a sign of God's favor."

"Anointing of the Sick one of the Sacraments of Healing for people who are seriously ill or in danger of dying. In the Sacrament, the person's forehead and hands are anointed with the blessed oil of the sick."

"Anointing of the Sick one of the Sacraments of Healing for people who are seriously ill or in danger of dying. In the Sacrament, the person's forehead and hands are anointed with the blessed oil of the sick."

"Apocalyptic literature a type of writing that reveals what humans cannot see, including the spiritual world or future events."

"Apocalyptic literature a type of writing that reveals what humans cannot see, including the spiritual world or future events."

"The Twelve disciples Jesus chose to be his closest followers. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, they shared in his work and mission in a special way."

"The Twelve disciples Jesus chose to be his closest followers. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, they shared in his work and mission in a special way."

One of the Church's oldest creeds. It is a summary of Christian beliefs taught since the time of the Apostles. This creed is used in the celebration of Baptism.

One of the Church's oldest creeds. It is a summary of Christian beliefs taught since the time of the Apostles. This creed is used in the celebration of Baptism.

The teaching authority of the Church comes directly from Jesus and his chosen Apostles because the bishops of the Church are direct successors of the Apostles.

The teaching authority of the Church comes directly from Jesus and his chosen Apostles because the bishops of the Church are direct successors of the Apostles.

"The term used to describe how the authority and power to lead and teach the Church is passed down from the Apostles to their successors, the bishops."

"The term used to describe how the authority and power to lead and teach the Church is passed down from the Apostles to their successors, the bishops."

Ark of the covenant a wooden chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Israelites carried it wherever they went as a reminder that God was with them.

Ark of the covenant a wooden chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Israelites carried it wherever they went as a reminder that God was with them.

When the Risen Jesus was taken up to Heaven to be with God the Father forever.

When the Risen Jesus was taken up to Heaven to be with God the Father forever.

The people gathered together for worship.

The people gathered together for worship.

"The teaching that after her earthly life, Mary was taken into Heaven body and soul, to be with Jesus."

"The Church teaching that, at the end of her life, Mary, body and soul, was 'taken up' (assumed) into Heaven. The Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption on August 15."

"The teaching that after her earthly life, Mary was taken into Heaven body and soul, to be with Jesus."

"The Church teaching that, at the end of her life, Mary, body and soul, was 'taken up' (assumed) into Heaven. The Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption on August 15."

"The Sacrament in which a person is immersed in water or has water poured on him or her. Baptism takes away Original Sin and all personal sin, and makes the person a member of the Church."

"The Sacrament in which a person is immersed in water or has water poured on him or her. Baptism takes away Original Sin and all personal sin, and makes the person a member of the Church."

"The second step in the process of becoming a Saint, in which a venerable person is recognized by the Church as having brought about a miracle through his or her prayers of intercession."

"The second step in the process of becoming a Saint, in which a venerable person is recognized by the Church as having brought about a miracle through his or her prayers of intercession."

"Jesus' eight teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness; they depict the way to live in God's Kingdom now and always, working toward the eternal holiness or blessedness to which God calls all people."

Teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell how to live in God's Kingdom.

Teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell how to live in God's Kingdom.

"Jesus' eight teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness; they depict the way to live in God's Kingdom now and always, working toward the eternal holiness or blessedness to which God calls all people."

The Word of God written in human words. The Bible is the holy book of the Church.

The Word of God written in human words. The Bible is the holy book of the Church.

"An ordained man who works together with other bishops and the Pope in teaching, leading, and making the Church holy. The bishops are the successors of the Apostles."

"An ordained man who works together with other bishops and the Pope in teaching, leading, and making the Church holy. The bishops are the successors of the Apostles."

"The sin of showing disrespect for the name of God, Jesus Christ, Mary, or the Saints in words or action."

"The sin of showing disrespect for the name of God, Jesus Christ, Mary, or the Saints in words or action."

"A name for the Holy Eucharist, especially the Body of Christ kept in the Tabernacle."

"A name for the Holy Eucharist, especially the Body of Christ kept in the Tabernacle."

Blessing God who is the source of everything that is good.

Blessing God who is the source of everything that is good.

"Blessing and Adoration in this prayer form, we show that we understand God is the Creator of all and that we need him. We give him respect and honor his greatness."

"Blessing and Adoration in this prayer form, we show that we understand God is the Creator of all and that we need him. We give him respect and honor his greatness."

Body of Christ a name for the Church of which Christ is the head. All the baptized are members of the body.

Body of Christ a name for the Church of which Christ is the head. All the baptized are members of the body.

Book of Gospels the book containing the Gospel readings from which the priest or deacon proclaims the Gospel during Mass.

Book of Gospels the book containing the Gospel readings from which the priest or deacon proclaims the Gospel during Mass.

Canon of Scripture the Church's complete list of inspired books included in Sacred Scripture.

Canon of Scripture the Church's complete list of inspired books included in Sacred Scripture.

A declaration by the Pope naming a person a Saint. Canonized Saints have special feast days or memorials in the Church's calendar.

A declaration by the Pope naming a person a Saint. Canonized Saints have special feast days or memorials in the Church's calendar.

"The four principal moral virtues-prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude-that help us live as children of God and from which the other moral virtues flow. We strengthen these good habits through God's grace and our own efforts."

"The four principal moral virtues-prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude-that help us live as children of God and from which the other moral virtues flow. We strengthen these good habits through God's grace and our own efforts."

"A ""learner, "" or person preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation."

"A ""learner, "" or person preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation."

"A Mark of the Church. The Church is catholic because she is universal, meant for all people in all times and in all places."

"Catholic a Mark of the Church. The Church is catholic because she is universal, meant for all people in all times and in all places."

The Church is meant for all people in all times and all places; a Mark of the Church.

The Church is meant for all people in all times and all places; a Mark of the Church.

"Catholic a Mark of the Church. The Church is catholic because she is universal, meant for all people in all times and in all places."

"A Mark of the Church. The Church is catholic because she is universal, meant for all people in all times and in all places."

"A permanent, sacramental, spiritual seal that strengthens us to do God's work. A seal is given in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Holy Orders."

"A permanent, sacramental, spiritual seal that strengthens us to do God's work. A seal is given in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Holy Orders."

"The theological virtue of love. It directs us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves, for the love of God."

"The theological virtue of love. It directs us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves, for the love of God."

"A moral virtue and Fruit of the Holy Spirit that helps us express our sexuality in the right ways for our call in life. In religious life or Holy Orders, chastity includes being celibate."

A moral virtue and one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that helps us to act and think in ways that are appropriate and pure.

A moral virtue and one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that helps us to act and think in ways that are appropriate and pure.

"A moral virtue and Fruit of the Holy Spirit that helps us express our sexuality in the right ways for our call in life. In religious life or Holy Orders, chastity includes being celibate."

"A title for Jesus, the One anointed by God as Messiah."

"A title for Jesus, the One anointed by God as Messiah."

The community of all baptized people who believe in the Holy Trinity and follow Jesus.

The community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus. The word is often used for the Catholic Church because we trace our origins back to the Apostles.

The special community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus. The word is often used for the Catholic Church because we trace our origins back to the Apostles.

The community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus.

The community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus.

The special community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus. The word is often used for the Catholic Church because we trace our origins back to the Apostles.

The community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus. The word is often used for the Catholic Church because we trace our origins back to the Apostles.

The community of all baptized people who believe in the Holy Trinity and follow Jesus.

"Men who are ordained and given sacred authority to serve the Church by teaching, divine worship, and pastoral leadership."

"Men who are ordained and given sacred authority to serve the Church by teaching, divine worship, and pastoral leadership."

A law that God made for people to obey.

A law that God made for people to obey.

"Common good the good of everyone; the Christian principle that all people, either in groups or as individuals, have the opportunities to reach their fulfillment more fully and easily."

"Common good the good of everyone; the Christian principle that all people, either in groups or as individuals, have the opportunities to reach their fulfillment more fully and easily."

"Communion of Saints the pilgrim Church on Earth, those being purified in Purgatory, and the blessed already in Heaven."

"Communion of Saints when referring to holy persons, the Communion of Saints includes the pilgrim Church on Earth, those being purified in Purgatory, and the blessed already in Heaven."

Communion of Saints everyone who believes in and follows Jesus ' people on Earth and people who have died and are in Purgatory or Heaven.

Communion of Saints everyone who believes in and follows Jesus ' people on Earth and people who have died and are in Purgatory or Heaven.

"Communion of Saints when referring to holy persons, the Communion of Saints includes the pilgrim Church on Earth, those being purified in Purgatory, and the blessed already in Heaven."

"Communion of Saints the pilgrim Church on Earth, those being purified in Purgatory, and the blessed already in Heaven."

Another name for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation; an essential element of the Sacrament when you tell your sin to the priest.

Another name for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation; an essential element of the Sacrament when you tell your sin to the priest.

The Sacrament of Initiation through which the spiritual life received in Baptism is strengthened and the person is sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

"The Sacrament that seals us with a special outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, deepens the grace of Baptism, and strengthens us to give witness to Christ in the world."

"The Sacrament that seals us with a special outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, deepens the grace of Baptism, and strengthens us to give witness to Christ in the world."

The Sacrament of Initiation through which the spiritual life received in Baptism is strengthened and the person is sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The God-given ability that helps individuals judge whether actions are right or wrong.

Conscience the God-given ability that helps individuals judge whether actions are right or wrong.

The God-given ability that helps us judge whether actions are right or wrong. It is important for us to know God's laws so our conscience can help us make good decisions.

An ability given to us by God that helps us make choices about right and wrong.

An ability given to us by God that helps us make choices about right and wrong.

The God-given ability that helps us judge whether actions are right or wrong. It is important for us to know God's laws so our conscience can help us make good decisions.

Conscience the God-given ability that helps individuals judge whether actions are right or wrong.

The God-given ability that helps individuals judge whether actions are right or wrong.

"Consecrated religious life a state of life lived by religious sisters, brothers, and priests in community and characterized by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

"Consecrated religious life a state of life lived in community and characterized by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

"Consecrated religious life a state of life lived in community and characterized by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

"Consecrated religious life a state of life lived by religious sisters, brothers, and priests in community and characterized by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

"The part of the Eucharistic Prayer in which the priest prays the words of Jesus over the bread and wine, and these elements become the Body and Blood of Christ."

"Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest, the gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus."

"Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest, the gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus."

"The part of the Eucharistic Prayer in which the priest prays the words of Jesus over the bread and wine, and these elements become the Body and Blood of Christ."

Contrition true sorrow for disobeying God and the commitment to try to avoid sin in the future.

Being sorry for your sins and wanting to live better.

Being sorry for your sins and wanting to live better.

Contrition true sorrow for disobeying God and the commitment to try to avoid sin in the future.

"A sincere change of mind, heart, and desire to turn away from sin and evil and turn toward God."

"A sincere change of mind, heart, and desire to turn away from sin and evil and turn toward God."

Corporal Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical needs of people.

Corporal Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical needs of others.

Corporal Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical needs of others.

Corporal Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical needs of people.

"Gatherings of bishops during which they speak about the faith of the Church, her teachings, and important issues."

"Gatherings of bishops during which they speak about the faith of the Church, her teachings, and important issues."

A sacred promise or agreement humans or between God and humans.

Covenant a sacred promise or agreement humans or between God and humans.

A sacred promise or agreement between God and humans.

A sacred promise or agreement between God and humans.

Covenant a sacred promise or agreement humans or between God and humans.

A sacred promise or agreement humans or between God and humans.

A formal statement of what is believed about the Holy Trinity and the Church. The word creed comes from the Latin for 'I believe. ' There are two main creeds of the Church: the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed.

"A formal statement of what we believe about the Holy Trinity and the Church. The word creed comes from the Latin for ""I believe. ""."

A statement of the Church's beliefs.

"A formal statement of what we believe about the Holy Trinity and the Church. The word creed comes from the Latin for ""I believe. ""."

A formal statement of what is believed about the Holy Trinity and the Church. The word creed comes from the Latin for 'I believe. ' There are two main creeds of the Church: the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed.

A statement of the Church's beliefs.

"An ordained man who serves the Church by assisting in the Eucharist, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and doing works of charity."

"An ordained man who serves the Church by assisting in the Eucharist, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and doing works of charity."

Another name for the Ten Commandments; from the Greek phrase meaning 'ten words'.

Another name for the Ten Commandments; the summary of laws that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. They tell us what must be done to live by God's covenant.

Another name for the Ten Commandments; the summary of laws that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. They tell us what must be done to live by God's covenant.

Another name for the Ten Commandments; from the Greek phrase meaning 'ten words'.

"Popular prayers or practices that honor Jesus, Mary, and the Saints."

"Popular prayers or practices that honor Jesus, Mary, and the Saints."

"Discernment the process by which a person reflects, discusses, and prays about how God might be calling him or her to live out a particular vocation."

"Discernment the process by which a person reflects, discusses, and prays about how God might be calling him or her to live out a particular vocation."

"One who learns from and follows the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."

A follower of Jesus who believes in him and lives by his teachings.

"One who learns from and follows the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."

A follower of Jesus who believes in him and lives by his teachings.

"Disciples people who learn from and follow the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."

Followers of Jesus who believe in him and live by his teachings.

Followers of Jesus who believe in him and live by his teachings.

"Disciples people who learn from and follow the example of a teacher. The disciples of Jesus are those who believe in him, follow his teachings, and put them into practice."

Discipleship accepting Jesus' invitation to believe in and follow him by studying his ways and putting them into practice.

Discipleship accepting Jesus' invitation to believe in and follow him by studying his ways and putting them into practice.

The gift of the Holy Spirit which assisted the human authors in writing the Bible to ensure it contained the truths God wanted us to know.

The gift of the Holy Spirit which assisted the human authors in writing the Bible to ensure it contained the truths God wanted us to know.

The process by which God makes himself known. The chief sources of Divine Revelation are Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

"The process by which God makes himself, and his plan for humans, known to us."

"The way God makes himself, and makes his plan for humans, known to us."

"The way God makes himself, and makes his plan for humans, known to us."

"The process by which God makes himself, and his plan for humans, known to us."

The process by which God makes himself known. The chief sources of Divine Revelation are Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

Doctrines official Church teachings on matters of faith and morals. Catholics are obligated to believe these truths.

Doctrines official Church teachings on matters of faith and morals. Catholics are obligated to believe these truths.

"Domestic Church a name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."

"A name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."

"A name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."

"Domestic Church a name for the Catholic family, because it is the community of Christians in the home. God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ."

An organized effort to bring Christians together in cooperation as they look forward in hope to the restoration of the unity of the Christian Church.

An organized effort to bring Christians together in cooperation as they look forward in hope to the restoration of the unity of the Christian Church.

"The original term for church in Scripture, meaning 'convocation' or 'those called together'."

"The original term for church in Scripture, meaning 'convocation' or 'those called together'."

"The name given to the Messiah by the prophet Isaiah, meaning 'God with us'."

"The name given to the Messiah by the prophet Isaiah, meaning 'God with us'."

The sin of resenting what others have or being sad from wanting for yourself what belongs to others.

The sin of resenting what others have or being sad from wanting for yourself what belongs to others.

Letters written by Paul and several of the other Apostles to new Christian communities that they established. There are twenty-one letters in the New Testament.

Letters written by Paul and several of the other Apostles to new Christian communities that they established. There are twenty-one letters in the New Testament.

"Eternal the term that means 'God is' and 'has always been, ' even before the beginning of time, and will be forever."

"Eternal the term that means 'God is' and 'has always been, ' even before the beginning of time, and will be forever."

Eternal life life forever with God for all who die in his friendship.

Eternal life life forever with God for all who die in his friendship.

The Sacrament of Initiation during which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ and all who receive him in Holy Communion are brought closer to him and one another.

"The Sacrament in which Jesus shares himself, and the bread and wine become his Body and Blood."

"The Sacrament in which Jesus shares himself, and the bread and wine become his Body and Blood."

The Sacrament of Initiation during which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ and all who receive him in Holy Communion are brought closer to him and one another.

"Euthanasia the deliberate action or inaction which causes the death of someone who is sick, dying, or suffering because of disabilities or a debilitating condition. It is a grave sin."

"Euthanasia the deliberate action or inaction which causes the death of someone who is sick, dying, or suffering because of disabilities or a debilitating condition. It is a grave sin."

"Evangelical counsels poverty, chastity, and obedience. Those in consecrated religious life take public vows to live these counsels."

"Evangelical counsels poverty, chastity, and obedience. Those in consecrated religious life take public vows to live these counsels."

"The four inspired human authors of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."

"The four inspired human authors of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."

Giving witness to the faith by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to the world through words and deeds in a way that invites people to accept the Gospel.

Sharing the Good News of Jesus through words and actions in a way that invites people to accept the Gospel.

Sharing the Good News of Jesus through words and actions in a way that invites people to accept the Gospel.

Giving witness to the faith by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to the world through words and deeds in a way that invites people to accept the Gospel.

"Examination of conscience a prayerful way of thinking about how we have followed the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Church teachings."

"Examination of conscience a prayerful way of thinking about how we have followed the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Church teachings."

"The time when Judah, the southern kingdom, was conquered by the Babylonians (586 B. C. ). As a result, the people of Judah were sent into Babylon, away from their homeland."

"The time when Judah, the southern kingdom, was conquered by the Babylonians (586 B. C. ). As a result, the people of Judah were sent into Babylon, away from their homeland."

"The Israelites' journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land, accomplished and directed by God."

"The Israelites' journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land, accomplished and directed by God."

"Faith the Theological Virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and the things that he has revealed to us. Leads us to obey God. It is both a gift from God and a free, human choice."

The theological virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and the things that he has revealed to us. Faith leads us to obey God. It is both a gift from him and something we choose.

The theological virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and all that he helps us understand about himself. Faith leads us to obey God.

Believing in God and all that he helps us understand about himself. Faith leads us to obey God.

Believing in God and all that he helps us understand about himself. Faith leads us to obey God.

The theological virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and all that he helps us understand about himself. Faith leads us to obey God.

The theological virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and the things that he has revealed to us. Faith leads us to obey God. It is both a gift from him and something we choose.

"Faith the Theological Virtue that makes it possible for us to believe in God and the things that he has revealed to us. Leads us to obey God. It is both a gift from God and a free, human choice."

"To be constant and loyal to your promises and commitments to God and others, just as he is faithful to you."

"To be constant and loyal to your promises and commitments to God and others, just as he is faithful to you."

"The loyalty and steadfastness that God shows to all humans, even when they sin. God's offer of friendship is never withdrawn."

"The loyalty and steadfastness that God shows to all humans, even when they sin. God's offer of friendship is never withdrawn."

"Feast of the Holy Family the day celebrating the special family relationship among Mary, Joseph, and Jesus."

"Feast of the Holy Family the day celebrating the special family relationship among Mary, Joseph, and Jesus."

Faithful presence; it is the most important rule of loving and lasting relationships.

Faithful presence; it is the most important rule of loving and lasting relationships.

"Filial respect the response children are called to have toward their parents, which includes obedience, respect, gratitude, and assistance."

"Filial respect the response children are called to have toward their parents, which includes obedience, respect, gratitude, and assistance."

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps you show courage, have strength to get through difficult times, and not give up on doing good."

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps you show courage, have strength to get through difficult times, and not give up on doing good."

Free will the God-given freedom and ability to make choices. God created us with free will so we can have the freedom to choose good.

Free will being able to choose whether to obey God or disobey God. God created us with free will because he wants us to make good choices.

Free will being able to choose whether to obey God or disobey God. God created us with free will because he wants us to make good choices.

Free will the God-given freedom and ability to make choices. God created us with free will so we can have the freedom to choose good.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit the qualities that can be seen in us when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit the qualities that can be seen in us when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit seven powerful gifts God gives us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live the Christian life. We are sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit seven powerful gifts God gives us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live the Christian life.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit seven powerful gifts God gives us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live the Christian life. We are sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit seven powerful gifts God gives us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live the Christian life.

God the Father the First Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

God the Father the First Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

Two people chosen by your parents to help you follow Jesus. They are usually present at your Baptism.

Two people chosen by your parents to help you follow Jesus. They are usually present at your Baptism.

"Word that means ""Good News. "" The Gospel Message is the Good News of God's Kingdom and his saving love."

"Word that means ""Good News. "" The Gospel Message is the Good News of God's Kingdom and his saving love."

"God's free, loving gift of his own life and help to do what he calls us to do. It is participation in the life of the Holy Trinity."

God's free and loving gift to humans of his own life and help.

God's gift of a share in his life and help.

God's gift of a share in his life and help.

God's free and loving gift to humans of his own life and help.

"God's free, loving gift of his own life and help to do what he calls us to do. It is participation in the life of the Holy Trinity."

The law to love God above all else and to love others the way you love yourself. It sums up all God's laws.

The law to love God above all else and to love others the way you love yourself.

The law to love God above all else and to love others the way you love yourself.

The law to love God above all else and to love others the way you love yourself. It sums up all God's laws.

The sin of desiring to gain earthly goods without limits or beyond what you need.

The sin of desiring to gain earthly goods without limits or beyond what you need.

"The state, or experience, of the full joy of living eternally in God's presence."

The joy of living eternally in God's presence.

Living and being happy with God forever.

The full joy of living with God forever.

The full joy of living with God forever.

Living and being happy with God forever.

The joy of living eternally in God's presence.

"The state, or experience, of the full joy of living eternally in God's presence."

"The state, or experience, of eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness."

Eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.

Being separated from God forever because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.

Being separated from God forever because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.

Eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness.

"The state, or experience, of eternal separation from God because of a choice to turn away from him and not seek forgiveness."

Hierarchy the organization of the Church into different levels of leadership and membership.

Hierarchy the organization of the Church into different levels of leadership and membership.

"A state of becoming more God-like, living in his presence and with his love."

"A state of becoming more God-like, living in his presence and with his love."

A mark of the Church. The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes and God is holy. Christ gave himself up to make the Church holy and gave the Church the gift of the Holy Spirit to give her life.

The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes; a Mark of the Church.

Unique and pure; set apart for God and his purposes.

Unique and pure; set apart for God and his purposes.

The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes; a Mark of the Church.

A mark of the Church. The Church is holy because she is set apart for God and his purposes and God is holy. Christ gave himself up to make the Church holy and gave the Church the gift of the Holy Spirit to give her life.

Receiving Jesus' Body and Blood in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Receiving Jesus' Body and Blood in the celebration of the Eucharist.

"Holy Days of Obligation all Sundays, as well as designated holy days that Catholics are required to participate in the Mass."

"Holy Days of Obligation all Sundays, as well as designated holy days that Catholics are required to participate in the Mass."

"The name for the human family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph."

"The name for the human family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph."

"The Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, and deacons."

"The Sacrament in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, or deacons."

"The Sacrament in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, or deacons."

"The Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man is ordained to teach the faithful, lead divine worship, and govern the Church; ordained ministers serve as bishops, priests, and deacons."

The Third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

The Third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

"The mystery of one God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

"A name for the three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

"The one God in three Divine persons-god the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit."

"The one God in three Divine persons-god the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit."

"A name for the three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

"The mystery of one God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

A short talk about the readings at Mass.

A short talk about the readings at Mass.

"The theological virtue that helps us trust in the true happiness God wants us have and in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit."

"The virtue that helps you trust in all that God the Father has made known, in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and the help of the Holy Spirit."

"The virtue that helps you trust in all that God the Father has made known, in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and the help of the Holy Spirit."

"The theological virtue that helps us trust in the true happiness God wants us have and in Jesus' promises of eternal life, and to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit."

Human dignity the worth each person has because he or she is made in the image of God.

Human dignity the worth each person has because he or she is made in the image of God.

The moral virtue that helps us to know that God is the source of everything good. Humility helps us to avoid being prideful.

The moral virtue that helps us to know that God is the source of everything good. Humility helps us to avoid being prideful.

"Religious pictures that illustrate Jesus, Mary, and other holy people; icons are traditional among many Eastern Christians."

"Religious pictures that illustrate Jesus, Mary, and other holy people; icons are traditional among many Eastern Christians."

"The sin of putting other people or things in God's place, or before God, in our lives."

The sin of worshipping an object or a person instead of God. It is letting anything or anyone become more important than God.

The sin of worshipping an object or a person instead of God. It is letting anything or anyone become more important than God.

"The sin of putting other people or things in God's place, or before God, in our lives."

"Image of God the Divine likeness in all human beings that comes from being made by God and includes the ability to think, choose, be free, love, and be in relationship with God and others."

Image of God the likeness of God that is in all human beings because we are created by him.

Image of God the likeness of God that is in all human beings because we are created by him.

"Image of God the Divine likeness in all human beings that comes from being made by God and includes the ability to think, choose, be free, love, and be in relationship with God and others."

The truth that Mary was preserved free from Original Sin from the first moment of her conception. The Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

The truth that God kept Mary free from sin from the first moment of her life.

The truth that God kept Mary free from sin from the first moment of her life.

The truth that Mary was preserved free from Original Sin from the first moment of her conception. The Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

"In persona Christi term referring to the mission and ability of priests and bishops, granted through Holy Orders, to act in the person of Christ."

"In persona Christi term referring to the mission and ability of priests and bishops, granted through Holy Orders, to act in the person of Christ."

"The truth that the Second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, assumed a human nature in order to save all people; Jesus Christ is both true God and true man."

The mystery that the Son of God became human in order to save all people.

When the Son of God became man in Jesus Christ.

When the Son of God became man in Jesus Christ.

The mystery that the Son of God became human in order to save all people.

"The truth that the Second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, assumed a human nature in order to save all people; Jesus Christ is both true God and true man."

A gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church by which the Pope and the bishops in union with him may declare definitively that a matter of faith or morals is free from error and must be accepted by the faithful.

A gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church by which the Pope and the bishops in union with him may declare definitively that a matter of faith or morals is free from error and must be accepted by the faithful.

"The quality of being free from error. A teaching is Infallible when the Pope, as head of the Magisterium, speaks officially on a matter of faith or morals that is to be believed by everyone in the Church."

"The quality of being free from error. A teaching is Infallible when the Pope, as head of the Magisterium, speaks officially on a matter of faith or morals that is to be believed by everyone in the Church."

Informed conscience a conscience that is educated and developed through constant use and examination and learning about the teachings of the Church.

Informed conscience a conscience that is educated and developed through constant use and examination and learning about the teachings of the Church.

"Intellect the God-given ability which makes it possible for humans to think, reason, and judge."

"Intellect the God-given ability which makes it possible for humans to think, reason, and judge."

Intercession a form of prayer that involves praying to God on behalf of another; also called intercessory prayer.

A form of prayer that involves praying to God on behalf of another; also called intercessory prayer.

"In this prayer form, we ask God to help others."

Asking God to help others.

Asking God to help others.

"In this prayer form, we ask God to help others."

A form of prayer that involves praying to God on behalf of another; also called intercessory prayer.

Intercession a form of prayer that involves praying to God on behalf of another; also called intercessory prayer.

The name of the Son of God who became man.

The name of the Son of God who became man.

"Justice the constant and firm desire to give God and other people what is their due as children of God, made in his image and possessing equal human dignity."

Giving God what is due him. This virtue also means giving each person what he or she is due because that person is a child of God.

"Giving God what is due him, and giving each person what he or she is due because that person is a child of God."

"Giving God what is due him, and giving each person what he or she is due because that person is a child of God."

Giving God what is due him. This virtue also means giving each person what he or she is due because that person is a child of God.

"Justice the constant and firm desire to give God and other people what is their due as children of God, made in his image and possessing equal human dignity."

The forgiveness of sins and the return to the goodness for which humans were first created.

The forgiveness of sins and the return to the goodness for which humans were first created.

"Kingdom of God God's rule of peace, justice, and love that exists in Heaven, but has not yet come in its fullness on Earth."

"Kingdom of God the world of love, peace, and justice that is in Heaven and is still being built on Earth."

"Kingdom of God the world of love, peace, and justice that is in Heaven and is still being built on Earth."

"Kingdom of God God's rule of peace, justice, and love that exists in Heaven, but has not yet come in its fullness on Earth."

Laity all baptized members of the Church who share in Jesus' mission and witness to him and his message but are not priests or consecrated sisters or brothers; sometimes called lay people.

All the baptized people in the Church who share in God's mission but are not priests or consecrated sisters or brothers; sometimes called lay people.

All the baptized people in the Church who share in God's mission but are not priests or consecrated sisters or brothers; sometimes called lay people.

Laity all baptized members of the Church who share in Jesus' mission and witness to him and his message but are not priests or consecrated sisters or brothers; sometimes called lay people.

"God's final triumph over evil that will occur at the end of time when Christ returns and judges all the living and the dead. Then, all will fully see and understand God's plan for creation."

"God's final triumph over evil, when Christ will come again and bring the Kingdom of God to its Fullness."

"God's final triumph over evil, when Christ will come again and bring the Kingdom of God to its Fullness."

"God's final triumph over evil that will occur at the end of time when Christ returns and judges all the living and the dead. Then, all will fully see and understand God's plan for creation."

"The meal Jesus shared with his disciples the night before he died. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave himself in the Eucharist."

"The meal Jesus shared with his disciples the night before he died. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave himself in the Eucharist."

Liturgical year the feasts and seasons of the Church calendar that celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

Liturgical year the feasts and seasons of the Church calendar that celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

The official public worship of the Church. It includes the Seven Sacraments and forms of daily prayer.

The public prayer of the Church. It includes the Sacraments and forms of daily prayer.

The public prayer of the Church. It includes the Sacraments and forms of daily prayer.

The official public worship of the Church. It includes the Seven Sacraments and forms of daily prayer.

Liturgy of the Eucharist the second main part of the Mass that includes Holy Communion.

Liturgy of the Eucharist the second main part of the Mass that includes Holy Communion.

Liturgy of the Hours the Church's public prayer offered at set times during the day and night to mark each day as holy.

Liturgy of the Hours the Church's public prayer offered at set times during the day and night to mark each day as holy.

Liturgy of the Word the first main part of the Mass during which we hear God's Word proclaimed.

Liturgy of the Word the first main part of the Mass during which we hear God's Word proclaimed.

The prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray to God the Father. This prayer is also called the Our Father.

The prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray to God the Father. This prayer is also called the Our Father.

"The teaching office of the Church, which is all of the bishops in union with the Pope. The Magisterium has the teaching authority to interpret the Word of God found in Scripture and Tradition."

"The teaching office of the Church, which is all of the bishops in union with the Pope."

"The teaching office of the Church, which is all of the bishops in union with the Pope."

"The teaching office of the Church, which is all of the bishops in union with the Pope. The Magisterium has the teaching authority to interpret the Word of God found in Scripture and Tradition."

"Marks of the Church the essential characteristics that distinguish Christ's Church and her mission: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."

"Marks of the Church the four characteristics that identify Christ's Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."

"Marks of the Church the four characteristics that identify Christ's Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."

"Marks of the Church the essential characteristics that distinguish Christ's Church and her mission: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."

"A person who gives up his or her life to witness to the truth of Christ and the faith. The word martyr means ""witness. ""."

"A person who gives up his or her life to witness to the truth of Christ and the faith. The word martyr means ""witness. ""."

"The Mother of Jesus; the Mother of God. She is also called ""Our Lady"" because she is the Mother of the Church."

"The Mother of Jesus; the Mother of God. She is also called ""Our Lady"" because she is the Mother of the Church."

The gathering of Catholics to worship God. It includes the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The gathering of Catholics to worship God. It includes readings from the Bible and the celebration of Holy Communion.

The gathering of Catholics to worship God. It includes readings from the Bible and the celebration of Holy Communion.

The gathering of Catholics to worship God. It includes the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

A Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man and a baptized woman make a permanent covenant of love with each other and with God.

A Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man and a baptized woman make a permanent covenant of love with each other and with God.

"The title given to Jesus because, as true God and true man, he is able to reconcile all people to God the Father, bringing us closer to God the Father by his words and saving actions."

"The title given to Jesus because, as true God and true man, he is able to reconcile all people to God the Father, bringing us closer to God the Father by his words and saving actions."

Kindness and concern for those who are suffering. God has mercy on us even though we are sinners.

Kindness and concern for those who are suffering. God has mercy on us even though we are sinners.

"The promised one who would lead his People. The word Messiah means ""God's anointed, "" or ""God's chosen one. "" Jesus Is the Messiah."

"The promised one who would lead his People. The word Messiah means ""God's anointed, "" or ""God's chosen one. "" Jesus Is the Messiah."

Miracle an event for which there is no scientific explanation because it happened by the power of God. Jesus worked miracles to help us see the presence of the Kingdom of God.

An event that cannot be explained by science because it happened by the power of God.

"Something that cannot be explained by science, but happened by the power of God."

"Something that cannot be explained by science, but happened by the power of God."

An event that cannot be explained by science because it happened by the power of God.

Miracle an event for which there is no scientific explanation because it happened by the power of God. Jesus worked miracles to help us see the presence of the Kingdom of God.

A job or purpose of the Church. The Church's mission is to announce the Good News of God's Kingdom.

A job or purpose of the Church. The Church's mission is to announce the Good News of God's Kingdom.

People who answer God's call to bring the message of Jesus and announce the Good News of God's Kingdom to people in other places.

People who bring the message of Jesus and announce the Good News of God's Kingdom to people in other places.

People who answer God's call to bring the message of Jesus and announce the Good News of God's Kingdom to people in other places.

People who bring the message of Jesus and announce the Good News of God's Kingdom to people in other places.

Missionary mandate the responsibility given by Jesus to the Church to bring his saving message to everyone.

Missionary mandate the responsibility given by Jesus to the Church to bring his saving message to everyone.

"A moral virtue and one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that helps us dress, talk, and move in appropriate ways."

"A moral virtue and one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that helps us dress, talk, and move in appropriate ways."

A building where a community of religious men (or sometimes women) join together in spirituality and service.

A building where a community of religious men (or sometimes women) join together in spirituality and service.

"Living in right relationship with God, yourself, and others. It is putting your beliefs into action."

"Living in right relationship with God, yourself, and others. It is putting your beliefs into action."

Mortal sin a grave ( very serious) sin by which someone turns completely away from God and breaks his or her relationship with God.

Mortal sin a very serious sin by which someone turns completely away from God.

"Mortal sin the most serious form of personal sin, through which a person breaks his or her relationship with God."

Mortal sin a serious sin that causes a person's relationship with God to be broken.

Mortal sin a serious sin that causes a person's relationship with God to be broken.

"Mortal sin the most serious form of personal sin, through which a person breaks his or her relationship with God."

Mortal sin a very serious sin by which someone turns completely away from God.

Mortal sin a grave ( very serious) sin by which someone turns completely away from God and breaks his or her relationship with God.

Mother of God a title given to Mary because she is the Mother of the Son of God who became man.

Mother of God a title given to Mary because she is the Mother of the Son of God who became man.

Murder the deliberate killing of another person when the killing is not in self-defense. It is always gravely sinful.

The deliberate killing of another person when the killing is not in self-defense.

The deliberate killing of another person when the killing is not in self-defense.

Murder the deliberate killing of another person when the killing is not in self-defense. It is always gravely sinful.

"Mystery a truth of faith that cannot be fully understood but that is believed because God has shown it in Scripture, in the life of Jesus, or in the teachings of the Church."

"A spiritual truth that is difficult to perceive or understand with our senses, but is known through faith and through signs."

"A spiritual truth that is difficult to perceive or understand with our senses, but is known through faith and through signs."

"Mystery a truth of faith that cannot be fully understood but that is believed because God has shown it in Scripture, in the life of Jesus, or in the teachings of the Church."

"Mystical Body of Christ a name for the Church, whose baptized members are all united to Christ and one another through the Holy Spirit, forming one holy people with Christ as her head."

"Mystical Body of Christ a name for the Church, whose baptized members are all united to Christ and one another through the Holy Spirit, forming one holy people with Christ as her head."

Natural moral law precepts about goodness that are written by God in our hearts and are accessible through our God-given reason.

"Natural moral law rules about goodness that are written in our hearts and are natural to follow. However, our awareness of natural law can be clouded by Original Sin."

"Natural moral law rules about goodness that are written in our hearts and are natural to follow. However, our awareness of natural law can be clouded by Original Sin."

Natural moral law precepts about goodness that are written by God in our hearts and are accessible through our God-given reason.

"A title for Jesus. By his obedience to the Father, and willingness to give his life, Jesus made amends for Adam's disobedience, overcame sin, and brought us eternal life."

"A title for Jesus. By his obedience to the Father, and willingness to give his life, Jesus made amends for Adam's disobedience, overcame sin, and brought us eternal life."

Jesus' command for his disciples to love one another as he has loved us.

Jesus' command for his disciples to love one another as he has loved us.

"New creation the future of justice, love, and peace promised by God, in which good will be rewarded and evil punished."

"New creation the future of justice, love, and peace promised by God, in which good will be rewarded and evil punished."

"The second part of the Bible about the life and teachings of Jesus, his followers, and the early Church."

"The second part of the Bible about the life and teachings of Jesus, his followers, and the early Church."

"A summary of foundational truths about the Holy Trinity, the Church, and eternal life. We usually say the Nicene Creed during Mass."

"A summary of basic beliefs about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and about other Church teachings. We usually say the Nicene Creed during Mass."

"A summary of basic beliefs about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and about other Church teachings. We usually say the Nicene Creed during Mass."

"A summary of foundational truths about the Holy Trinity, the Church, and eternal life. We usually say the Nicene Creed during Mass."

To do things or act in certain ways that are requested by those in authority.

To do things or act in certain ways that are requested by those in authority.

"Offices of Christ the three roles of Jesus ( Priest, Prophet, and King) that describe his mission and work among God's People; all those baptized share in these three roles."

"Offices of Christ the three roles of Jesus ( Priest, Prophet, and King) that describe his mission and work among God's People; all those baptized share in these three roles."

"The first part of the Bible, about God's relationship with the Hebrew people before Jesus was born. It includes the laws, history, and stories of God's People."

The first part of the Bible about God and his People before Jesus was born.

The first part of the Bible about God and his People before Jesus was born.

"The first part of the Bible, about God's relationship with the Hebrew people before Jesus was born. It includes the laws, history, and stories of God's People."

One a Mark of the Church. The Church is one because the power of the Holy Spirit unites all the members through one faith and one Baptism.

The Church is one because the power of the Holy Spirit unites all the members through one faith and one Baptism.

The Church is one because the power of the Holy Spirit unites all the members through one faith and one Baptism.

One a Mark of the Church. The Church is one because the power of the Holy Spirit unites all the members through one faith and one Baptism.

"The state of goodness that humanity enjoyed before our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to sin against God."

"The state of goodness that humanity enjoyed before our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to sin against God."

The sin of the first humans and its effect on all humans. Sin and death are part of the human condition because of the first humans' choice.

"The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, which led to the sinful condition of the human race from its beginning."

The first sin committed by the first people and passed down to everyone.

The first sin committed by the first people and passed down to everyone.

"The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, which led to the sinful condition of the human race from its beginning."

The sin of the first humans and its effect on all humans. Sin and death are part of the human condition because of the first humans' choice.

Parable a short story Jesus told using examples from everyday life or nature to illustrate moral or spiritual truths.

A short story Jesus told about everyday life to teach something about God.

Parable a short story Jesus told using examples from everyday life or nature to illustrate moral or spiritual truths.

The local community of Catholics that meets at a particular place.

The local community of Catholics that meets at a particular place.

"The individual judgment by God at the time of a person's death; when God decides, after a person's death, where that person will spend eternity according to his or her faith and works."

"The individual judgment by God at the time of a person's death; when God decides, after a person's death, where that person will spend eternity according to his or her faith and works."

"A large, white candle that is lit from the Easter fire, and is used during the Easter season and at Baptisms and funerals as a symbol of the Resurrection."

"A large, white candle that is lit from the Easter fire, and is used during the Easter season and at Baptisms and funerals as a symbol of the Resurrection."

"Christ's work of redemption through his suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

"The mystery of Jesus' suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

"The mystery of Jesus' suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

"Christ's work of redemption through his suffering, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension."

The Jewish holy day that celebrates God's leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

The Jewish holy day that celebrates God's leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

"A Saint who has a particular connection to a cause, place, type of work, or person. For example, if a person or city shares the name of a Saint, that Saint is a patron."

"A Saint who has a particular connection to a cause, place, type of work, or person. For example, if a person or city shares the name of a Saint, that Saint is a patron."

Peace a state of calm or harmony when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

A state of calm when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

When things are calm and people get along with one another.

When things are calm and people get along with one another.

A state of calm when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

Peace a state of calm or harmony when things are in their proper order and people settle problems with kindness and justice.

"Penance the name for the prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

"The prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

A prayer or an act to make up for sin.

A prayer or an act to make up for sin.

"The prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

"Penance the name for the prayer, offering, or good work the priest gives you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and first disciples fifty days after Easter.

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit fifty days after Easter.

Fifty days after the Resurrection when the Holy Spirit first came upon the Twelve disciples and the Church.

Fifty days after the Resurrection when the Holy Spirit first came upon the Twelve disciples and the Church.

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit fifty days after Easter.

The feast that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and first disciples fifty days after Easter.

Making a promise under oath which the maker does not intend to keep.

Making a promise under oath which the maker does not intend to keep.

"Personal sin a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission that violates the law of God."

"Personal sin a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission that violates the law of God."

"In this prayer form, we ask God for what we need."

Asking God for what we need.

Asking God for what we need.

"In this prayer form, we ask God for what we need."

"The successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome, and the head of the entire Church."

"The successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome, and the head of the entire Church."

"In this prayer form, we give God honor and thanks because he is God."

Giving God honor and thanks because he is God.

Giving God honor and thanks because he is God.

"In this prayer form, we give God honor and thanks because he is God."

Talking and listening to God. It is raising your mind and heart to God.

Talking to and listening to God.

Talking to and listening to God.

Talking and listening to God. It is raising your mind and heart to God.

Prayer of the Faithful prayer at Mass for the needs of the Church and the world.

Prayer of the Faithful prayer at Mass for the needs of the Church and the world.

Precepts of the Church some of the minimum requirements given by Church leaders for deepening our relationship with God and the Church.

Precepts of the Church some of the minimum requirements given by Church leaders for deepening our relationship with God and the Church.

"An ordained man who helps his bishop by leading a parish, preaching the Gospel, and celebrating the Eucharist and other Sacraments."

"An ordained man who helps his bishop by leading a parish, preaching the Gospel, and celebrating the Eucharist and other Sacraments."

To tell about Jesus in words and actions.

To tell about Jesus in words and actions.

A messenger from God who speaks the truth and calls the people to follow the laws of God's covenant and act with justice.

A messenger from God who speaks the truth and calls the people to follow the laws of God's covenant and act with justice.

A sixteenth-century religious separation from the Catholic Church that began with Martin Luther's preaching against what he felt were errors in the Church.

A sixteenth-century religious separation from the Catholic Church that began with Martin Luther's preaching against what he felt were errors in the Church.

God's loving care for all things; God's will and plan for creation.

God's loving care for all things; God's will and plan for creation.

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps us be practical and make correct decisions on what is right and good, with the help of the Holy Spirit and a well-formed conscience."

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps us be practical and make correct decisions on what is right and good, with the help of the Holy Spirit and a well-formed conscience."

"Poems and hymns that were first used in the liturgy of the Israelites. Today, the psalms are also prayed and sung in the public prayer of the Church."

Poems and prayers from the Bible; they can be said or sung.

Poems and prayers from the Bible; they can be said or sung.

"Poems and hymns that were first used in the liturgy of the Israelites. Today, the psalms are also prayed and sung in the public prayer of the Church."

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven that removes any remaining personal obstacles to eternal union with God. Purgatory frees the person from temporal punishment ( being deprived of the entrance into Heaven for a time) due to sin.

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven.

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven.

A state of final cleansing after death and before entering into Heaven that removes any remaining personal obstacles to eternal union with God. Purgatory frees the person from temporal punishment ( being deprived of the entrance into Heaven for a time) due to sin.

"A phrase used to describe that Jesus Christ is really and truly with us in the Eucharist-Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity."

"The phrase used to describe that Jesus Christ is really and truly with us in the eucharist-body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity."

The teaching that Jesus is really and truly with us in the Eucharist. We receive Jesus in his fullness.

The teaching that Jesus is really and truly with us in the Eucharist. We receive Jesus in his fullness.

"The phrase used to describe that Jesus Christ is really and truly with us in the eucharist-body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity."

"A phrase used to describe that Jesus Christ is really and truly with us in the Eucharist-Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity."

"A title for Jesus, because by his Death on the Cross, he 'bought back' the human race from the slavery of sin."

"A title for Jesus, because by his Death on the Cross, he 'bought back' the human race from the slavery of sin."

"A group of beliefs, prayers, and practices through which people express longing for God."

"A group of beliefs, prayers, and practices through which people express longing for God."

An action taken to repair the damage done from sin.

An action taken to repair the damage done from sin.

To turn our lives away from sin and toward God.

To turn our lives away from sin and toward God.

The event of Jesus being raised from Death to new life by God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The event of Jesus being raised from Death to new life by God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The care and respect you show to God and holy persons and things.

The care and respect you show to God and holy persons and things.

"To act in accordance with God's will, being in his friendship, free from guilt or sin."

"To act in accordance with God's will, being in his friendship, free from guilt or sin."

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) the process by which adults and some children become members of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) the process by which adults and some children become members of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation.

"The seventh day of the week in the Jewish calendar. It is still observed by Jews as a day of rest, prayer and worship."

"The seventh day of the week in the Jewish calendar. It is still observed by Jews as a day of rest, prayer and worship."

Sacrament at the Service of Communion Holy Orders and Matrimony. These Sacraments celebrate people's commitment to serve God and community and help build up the People of God.

Sacrament at the Service of Communion Holy Orders and Matrimony. These Sacraments celebrate people's commitment to serve God and community and help build up the People of God.

Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation the Sacrament in which God's forgiveness for sin is given through the Church.

Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation the Sacrament in which God's forgiveness for sin is given through the Church.

"Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick the Sacrament that brings Jesus' healing touch to strengthen, comfort, and forgive the sins of those who are seriously ill or close to death."

"Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick the Sacrament that brings Jesus' healing touch to strengthen, comfort, and forgive the sins of those who are seriously ill or close to death."

Sacramental seal a rule that a priest is not to share anything he hears in confession.

Sacramental seal a rule that a priest is not to share anything he hears in confession.

"Sacred blessings, objects, and actions that remind us of God, are made sacred through the prayers of the Church, and that help us respond to the grace received in the Sacraments."

"Blessings, objects, and actions that remind you of God and are made sacred through the prayers of the Church."

"Blessings, objects, and actions that remind you of God and are made sacred through the prayers of the Church."

"Sacred blessings, objects, and actions that remind us of God, are made sacred through the prayers of the Church, and that help us respond to the grace received in the Sacraments."

Sacraments at the Service of Communion Holy Orders and Matrimony. They celebrate people's commitment to serve God and the community and help build up the People of God.

Sacraments at the Service of Communion Holy Orders and Matrimony. They celebrate people's commitment to serve God and the community and help build up the People of God.

"Sacraments of Healing Penance and Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. In these Sacraments, God's forgiveness and healing are given to those suffering physical and spiritual sickness."

"Sacraments of Healing Penance and Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. In these Sacraments, God's forgiveness and healing are given to those suffering physical and spiritual sickness."

"Sacraments of Initiation the three Sacraments that celebrate membership in the Catholic Church: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist."

"Sacraments of Initiation the three Sacraments that celebrate membership in the Catholic Church: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist."

Worthy of reverence and devotion.

Worthy of reverence and devotion.

"Perfumed oil used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. In Eastern Rite Churches, Confirmation takes its name from this word and is known as Chrismation."

"Sacred chrism perfumed oil used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders."

"Sacred chrism perfumed oil used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders."

"Perfumed oil used for anointing in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. In Eastern Rite Churches, Confirmation takes its name from this word and is known as Chrismation."

The Word of God written by humans acting under the Holy Spirit's inspiration and guidance; another name for the Bible.

Another name for the Bible; Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God written by humans.

The Word of God written by humans acting under the Holy Spirit's inspiration and guidance; another name for the Bible.

Another name for the Bible; Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God written by humans.

"God's Word to the Church, safeguarded by the Apostles and their successors, the bishops, and handed down verbally ' in her creeds, Sacraments, and other teachings ' to future generations."

God's Word handed down verbally through the Apostles and bishops.

God's Word handed down verbally through the Apostles and bishops.

"God's Word to the Church, safeguarded by the Apostles and their successors, the bishops, and handed down verbally ' in her creeds, Sacraments, and other teachings ' to future generations."

Giving up something out of love for someone else or for the common good (good of everyone). Jesus sacrificed his life for all people.

Giving up something out of love for someone else or for the common good (good of everyone). Jesus sacrificed his life for all people.

A person whom the Church declares has led a holy life and is enjoying eternal life with God in Heaven.

"A hero of the Church who loved God very much, led a holy life, and is now with God in Heaven."

"A hero of the Church who loved God very much, led a holy life, and is now with God in Heaven."

A person whom the Church declares has led a holy life and is enjoying eternal life with God in Heaven.

Those whom the Church declares led holy lives and are enjoying eternal life with God in Heaven.

Those whom the Church declares led holy lives and are enjoying eternal life with God in Heaven.

The loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus Christ.

Salvation the loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus Christ.

The loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus.

The loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus.

Salvation the loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus Christ.

The loving action of God's forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus Christ.

Sanctifying grace God's Divine life within us that makes us his friends and adopted children.

Sanctifying grace God's Divine life within us that makes us his friends and adopted children.

"A title for Jesus, who was sent into the world to save all people who were lost through sin and to lead them back to God the Father."

"A title for Jesus, who was sent into the world to save all people who were lost through sin and to lead them back to God the Father."

"Scandal the destructive behavior by which a person deliberately leads, through his or her own action or inaction, another person to sin."

"Scandal the destructive behavior by which a person deliberately leads, through his or her own action or inaction, another person to sin."

Sermon on the Mount the summary of key teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel according to Matthew.

Sermon on the Mount the summary of key teachings of Jesus found in the Gospel according to Matthew.

To help or give others what they need in a loving way.

To help or give others what they need in a loving way.

"Effective signs of God's life, instituted by Christ and given to the Church. In the celebration of each Sacrament, there are visible signs and Divine actions that give grace and allow us to share in God's work."

Special signs and celebrations that Jesus gave his Church. The Sacraments allow us to share in the life and work of God.

Special signs and celebrations that Jesus gave his Church. The Sacraments allow us to share in the life and work of God.

"Effective signs of God's life, instituted by Christ and given to the Church. In the celebration of each Sacrament, there are visible signs and Divine actions that give grace and allow us to share in God's work."

"An offense against God as well as against reason, truth, and conscience."

"A deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people."

A person's choice to disobey God on purpose and do what he or she knows is wrong. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people.

The choice to disobey God on purpose and do what you know is wrong. Accidents and mistakes are not sins.

The choice to disobey God on purpose and do what you know is wrong. Accidents and mistakes are not sins.

"A deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people."

"An offense against God as well as against reason, truth, and conscience."

A person's choice to disobey God on purpose and do what he or she knows is wrong. Sins hurt our relationship with God and other people.

"Social sin unjust structures that can occur as the result of personal sin. One person's sin can cause others to sin, and the sin can spread through a whole society."

"Social sin unjust structures that can occur as the result of personal sin. One person's sin can cause others to sin, and the sin can spread through a whole society."

A Christian principle that motivates believers to share their spiritual gifts as well as their material ones.

Solidarity a Christian principle that motivates believers to share their spiritual gifts as well as their material ones.

Solidarity a Christian principle that motivates believers to share their spiritual gifts as well as their material ones.

A Christian principle that motivates believers to share their spiritual gifts as well as their material ones.

Son of God a name for Jesus that tells you God is his Father. The Son of God is the Second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

Son of God a name for Jesus that tells you God is his Father. The Son of God is the Second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

"Soul the spiritual principle of a human person that is individual, created by God, and will exist forever."

The spiritual part of a human that lives forever.

The spiritual part of a human that lives forever.

"Soul the spiritual principle of a human person that is individual, created by God, and will exist forever."

"Spiritual Works of Mercy actions that address the needs of the heart, mind, and soul."

"Spiritual Works of Mercy actions that address the needs of the heart, mind, and soul."

"Stations of the Cross images of fourteen scenes that help us think and pray about Jesus' suffering, Death, and burial."

"Stations of the Cross images of fourteen scenes that help us think and pray about Jesus' suffering, Death, and burial."

"The way we appreciate and use God's gifts, including our time, talent, and treasure and the gift of creation."

"The way we appreciate and use God's gifts, including our time, talent, and treasure and the gift of creation."

The special place in the church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved after Mass for those who are ill or for Eucharistic Adoration.

The special place in the church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved after Mass for those who are ill or for Eucharistic Adoration.

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps you use moderation, be disciplined, and have self-control."

"The Cardinal Virtue that helps you use moderation, be disciplined, and have self-control."

Temple of the Holy Spirit the way Saint Paul describes how the Holy Spirit resides within the body.

Temple of the Holy Spirit the way Saint Paul describes how the Holy Spirit resides within the body.

Wanting to do something we should not or not doing something we should.

Wanting to do something we should not or not doing something we should.

"The ten fundamental moral laws given by God to Moses, and recorded in the Old Testament, to help his People live by the covenant."

The summary of laws that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. They tell what is necessary in order to love God and others.

God's laws that tell people how to love him and others.

God's laws that tell people how to love him and others.

The summary of laws that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. They tell what is necessary in order to love God and others.

"The ten fundamental moral laws given by God to Moses, and recorded in the Old Testament, to help his People live by the covenant."

"In this prayer form, we give thanks to God for all the good things he gives us."

Giving thanks to God for all he has given us.

"In this prayer form, we give thanks to God for all the good things he gives us."

Giving thanks to God for all he has given us.

"Gifts from God that help us believe in him, trust in his plan for us, and love him as he loves us; they are faith, hope, and charity."

"Theological virtues the virtues of faith, hope, and charity (love), which are gifts from God that guide our relationship with him."

"Theological virtues the virtues of faith, hope, and charity (love), which are gifts from God that guide our relationship with him."

"Gifts from God that help us believe in him, trust in his plan for us, and love him as he loves us; they are faith, hope, and charity."

"The revelation of Jesus in glory to the Apostles Peter, James, and John."

"The revelation of Jesus in glory to the Apostles Peter, James, and John."

"Transubstantiation the process by which, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest, the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ."

The process by which the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of the priest transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.

The process by which the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of the priest transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.

"Transubstantiation the process by which, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest, the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ."

To believe in and depend on someone.

To believe in and depend on someone.

"Venial sin a sin that weakens, but does not destroy, a person's relationship with God."

"Venial sin a sin that hurts a person's friendship with God, but does not completely break it."

"Venial sin a sin that hurts a person's friendship with God, but does not completely break it."

"Venial sin a sin that weakens, but does not destroy, a person's relationship with God."

The Eucharist given to a person who is near death to sustain him or her on the journey to eternity.

The Eucharist given to a person who is near death to sustain him or her on the journey to eternity.

Virtue a good spiritual habit that strengthens and enables you to do what is right and good.

Virtue a good spiritual habit that strengthens and enables you to do what is right and good.

Good spiritual habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good. They grow over time with our practice and openness to God's grace.

Good habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good.

Good habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good.

Good spiritual habits that make you stronger and help you do what is right and good. They grow over time with our practice and openness to God's grace.

"The event of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with Saint John the Baptist."

The name of Mary's visit to Elizabeth before Jesus was born.

The name of Mary's visit to Elizabeth before Jesus was born.

"The event of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with Saint John the Baptist."

"The purpose for which God made us and a particular way to answer his call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a member of a religious community, or a member of the ordained ministry."

"A particular way to answer God's call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a religious, or a member of the ordained ministry."

God's plan for our lives; the purpose for which he made us.

God's plan for our lives; the purpose for which he made us.

"A particular way to answer God's call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a religious, or a member of the ordained ministry."

"The purpose for which God made us and a particular way to answer his call, whether as a lay person (married or single), a member of a religious community, or a member of the ordained ministry."

Solemn promises that are made to or before God.

Solemn promises that are made to or before God.

Wisdom the spiritual gift that helps us to see God's purpose and plan for our lives. Is also one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

A gift from God that helps us see God's purpose and plan for our lives. Wisdom leads us to see things as God sees so that we might live holy lives.

A gift from God that helps us see God's purpose and plan for our lives. Wisdom leads us to see things as God sees so that we might live holy lives.

Wisdom the spiritual gift that helps us to see God's purpose and plan for our lives. Is also one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical and spiritual needs of others.

Works of Mercy actions that show care for the physical and spiritual needs of others.

"To adore and honor God, especially at Mass and in prayer."

"To adore and honor God, especially at Mass and in prayer."