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AMS Family Moment - Kindergarten

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To whom is Jesus a Son?

God the Father and the virgin Mary
Elizabeth and Zachariah
all Christians

Jesus' family is called the _____ family.


What do we call the sacrament when we become God's children through pouring of water on our forehead?


Show how to make the sign of the cross.

Touch one's forehead, heart, left and then right shoulder while saying "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Touch one's forehead, lips and heart saying the names of the three persons of the Blessed Trinity.
Stand with arms outstretched saying the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Which is a loving action?

teasing your brother
yelling at your friend
saying you're sorry

Where usually do children first learn about how to live the Christian life?

at Church
at school
at home

Recite the "Glory Be."

"Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth."
"Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen."
"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Which sacrament joins us in a special bond with all Christians?


Some of our relatives and friends also worship Jesus at other Christian Churches different from ours.


Others should not kiss you or touch you without your permission.


Because Jesus is our friend, what can we do for him?

love and serve
be afraid of God
hide from God

We must not use or take other people's things without their permission.


Most people in the world are neither Catholic nor Christian.


What kind of spirit do we have if we share faith wherever we may be?




To whom is Jesus a Son?

Jesus' family is called the _____ family.

What do we call the sacrament when we become God's children through pouring of water on our forehead?

Show how to make the sign of the cross.

Which is a loving action?

Where usually do children first learn about how to live the Christian life?

Recite the "Glory Be."

Which sacrament joins us in a special bond with all Christians?

Some of our relatives and friends also worship Jesus at other Christian Churches different from ours.

Others should not kiss you or touch you without your permission.

Because Jesus is our friend, what can we do for him?

We must not use or take other people's things without their permission.

Most people in the world are neither Catholic nor Christian.

What kind of spirit do we have if we share faith wherever we may be?