AMS Family Moment - Pre Kindergarten
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What sign reminds us of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?
Which is a most special holy book of the Church?
Which sacrament makes us members of the family of the Church?
What day of the week is called the "Lord's Day?"
How can we show Jesus' love for other people?
What always helps us to know what is right?
What prayer do we say before we eat a meal?
Where do you go on Sunday with your family and community to be with the Lord?
For what did Jesus pray for his Church?
To whom do we belong and are the most important loving relationships we have?
Who are ordained and serve God in a special way?
What do all God's plants and animals need from us?
To what Church do you belong?
When we show the love of Jesus to our family, friends and neighbors, what are we sharing?