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God and His Perfections

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What do we call the truths revealed by God, but not written in the Bible?

Canon Law
Sacred Scripture
Divine Tradition
The Old Testament

When was the New Testament written?

It is always being added to
During the time of Moses
During the Middle Ages
After Jesus's Ascension

When was the Old Testament written?

Before the birth of Jesus
In the middle ages
From the 16 th to 20 th centuries
Before Adam and Eve

How many books are in the Bible?


What is Divine Providence?

The Second part of the Bible
A self-existing Supreme Being
The men who wrote the Bible
God's loving care for us

True/False - God is the principal author of the Bible


Which is not a perfection of God?

Stern and angry

True/False - Like God, man has no limitations.


Which of the following does God not know?

The future
Our thoughts
Our words and actions
None of the above

How is the Bible divided?

Old and New Testaments
First and Second Revelations
Books of Kings and Books of Jesus
Scientific texts and Historical texts

What is the Bible?

The written word of God
A list of all the Saints
The writings of the angels
None of the above

How can we know about God?

Through reason
Through revelation
Both A and B
We can't know about God

What does it mean that God is eternal?

He has infinite power
He has always existed, and always will
He created the universe
He loves us

Who made God?

An older God
The Virgin Mary
No one - He is self-existing
God made Himself

Who is the Supreme Being?

You are
St. Michael the Archangel
The President of the United States



What do we call the truths revealed by God, but not written in the Bible?

When was the New Testament written?

When was the Old Testament written?

How many books are in the Bible?

What is Divine Providence?

True/False - God is the principal author of the Bible

Which is not a perfection of God?

True/False - Like God, man has no limitations.

Which of the following does God not know?

How is the Bible divided?

What is the Bible?

How can we know about God?

What does it mean that God is eternal?

Who made God?

Who is the Supreme Being?