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Kerygma 4 Kids - Grade 2, Chapter 2 --- God Knows Your Name

This lesson contains the proclamation of the kerygma--- the Good News that Jesus died and rose to save us from sin.

The consequences of sin and the death of Jesus are presented gently. The impossibility of reaching heaven without Jesus cannot be ignored and is presented here in an age-appropriate way. The aim is to help the child grasp the necessity of Jesus for our salvation.

The concept of "atonement" is foreign to a second grader; a story is presented to help make this clear. The analogy helps the child understand what Jesus accomplishes through His passion, death, and resurrection. It is "unthinkable" that a brother or sister would take on the punishment that another child deserves; this unlikely act shows the radical love of God. Indeed, God's ways are not our ways. (cf. Is 55:8)

This lesson closes by reminding the children that Jesus is alive today and that forgiveness of sins is offered to us. No sin is too big for God. You can use this opportunity to explain how the Sacrament of Reconciliation is Jesus' ongoing gift of salvation.