2 Maccabees 5
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2 Maccabees 5
Jason Tries to Regain Control
1About this time Anti'ochus made his second invasion of Egypt. 2And it happened that over all the city, for almost forty days, there appeared golden-clad horsemen charging through the air, in companies fully armed with lances and drawn swords- 3troops of horsemen drawn up, attacks and counterattacks made on this side and on that, brandishing of shields, massing of spears, hurling of missiles, the flash of golden trappings, and armor of all sorts. 4Therefore all men prayed that the apparition might prove to have been a good omen.
5When a false rumor arose that Anti'ochus was dead, Jason took no less than a thousand men and suddenly made an assault upon the city. When the troops upon the wall had been forced back and at last the city was being taken, Menela'us took refuge in the citadel. 6But Jason kept relentlessly slaughtering his fellow citizens, not realizing that success at the cost of one's kindred is the greatest misfortune, but imagining that he was setting up trophies of victory over enemies and not over fellow countrymen. 7He did not gain control of the government, however; and in the end got only disgrace from his conspiracy, and fled again into the country of the Am'monites. 8Finally he met a miserable end. Accuseda before Ar'etas the ruler of the Arabs, fleeing from city to city, pursued by all men, hated as a rebel against the laws, and abhorred as the executioner of his country and his fellow citizens, he was cast ashore in Egypt; 9and he who had driven many from their own country into exile died in exile, having embarked to go to the Lacedaemo'nians in hope of finding protection because of their kinship. 10He who had cast out many to lie unburied had no one to mourn for him; he had no funeral of any sort and no place in the tomb of his fathers.
11When news of what had happened reached the king, he took it to mean that Judea was in revolt. So, raging inwardly, he left Egypt and took the city by storm. 12And he commanded his soldiers to cut down relentlessly every one they met and to slay those who went into the houses. 13Then there was killing of young and old, destruction of boys, women, and children, and slaughter of virgins and infants. 14Within the total of three days eighty thousand were destroyed, forty thousand in hand-to-hand fighting; and as many were sold into slavery as were slain.
Pillage of the Temple
15Not content with this, Anti'ochusb dared to enter the most holy temple in all the world, guided by Menela'us, who had become a traitor both to the laws and to his country. 16He took the holy vessels with his polluted hands, and swept away with profane hands the votive offerings which other kings had made to enhance the glory and honor of the place. 17Anti'ochus was elated in spirit, and did not perceive that the Lord was angered for a little while because of the sins of those who dwelt in the city, and that therefore he was disregarding the holy place. 18But if it had not happened that they were involved in many sins, this man would have been scourged and turned back from his rash act as soon as he came forward, just as Heliodor'us was, whom Seleu'cus the king sent to inspect the treasury. 19But the Lord did not choose the nation for the sake of the holy place, but the place for the sake of the nation. 20Therefore the place itself shared in the misfortunes that befell the nation and afterward participated in its benefits; and what was forsaken in the wrath of the Almighty was restored again in all its glory when the great Lord became reconciled.
21So Anti'ochus carried off eighteen hundred talents from the temple, and hurried away to Antioch, thinking in his arrogance that he could sail on the land and walk on the sea, because his mind was elated. 22And he left governors to afflict the people: at Jerusalem, Philip, by birth a Phryg'ian and in character more barbarous than the man who appointed him; 23and at Geri'zim, Androni'cus; and besides these Menela'us, who lorded it over his fellow citizens worse than the others did. In his malice toward the Jewish citizens,c 24Anti'ochusd sent Apollo'nius, the captain of the My'sians, with an army of twenty-two thousand, and commanded him to slay all the grown men and to sell the women and boys as slaves. 25When this man arrived in Jerusalem, he pretended to be peaceably disposed and waited until the holy sabbath day; then, finding the Jews not at work, he ordered his men to parade under arms. 26He put to the sword all those who came out to see them, then rushed into the city with his armed men and killed great numbers of people.
27But Judas Maccabe'us, with about nine others, got away to the wilderness, and kept himself and his companions alive in the mountains as wild animals do; they continued to live on what grew wild, so that they might not share in the defilement.