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Kerygma 4 Kids - Kindergarten, Chapter 1 --- Jesus is Your Light

Do you know Jesus? Jesus is God's Son. He came to earth to teach people about God's love. Jesus was a friend to everyone. Jesus healed sick people, and He forgave people who made bad choices. Jesus taught people to love and care for each other.

Kerygma 4 Kids - Kindergarten, Chapter 2 --- Jesus is Your Light

It's really nice to have a good friend. Good friends like spending time together. They play, they share, and they help each other in times of need. When friends are nice to each other, it keeps their friendship strong.

Kerygma 4 Kids - Kindergarten, Chapter 3 --- Jesus is Your Light

God loves you and cares for you. God gave you the gift of Jesus. Jesus is the light of the world who takes away the darkness of sin. Jesus gave His life for your sins so that you can stay close to God.