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New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert

New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert

New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert...

Total : 5
Remaining : 5
Correct : 0
Incorrect : 0

What does the author of the first reading ask God?

Why He allows the wicked to harm the good
Why he has been lost in the desert for so long
When the world will become more holy
Where to find a good meal

What does God say to do if the vision He has promised takes some time to come?

Wait for it
Give up
Ask for a new vision
Look harder for it

Who could not heal the man's son in the Gospel?

The doctors
The Pharisees
The disciples

Why couldn't the disciples cure the boy?

They didn't want to
They had little faith
They couldn't find him
No one asked them to

What does Jesus say faith the size of a mustard seed can do?

Grow mustard plants
Very little
Make a mountain move
Make food taste better



What does the author of the first reading ask God?

What does God say to do if the vision He has promised takes some time to come?

Who could not heal the man's son in the Gospel?

Why couldn't the disciples cure the boy?

What does Jesus say faith the size of a mustard seed can do?

New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert

New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert

New Testament 221 - Jesus in the Desert...
