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NT 306 - The Ascension

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How long did Jesus stay with His disciples after His Resurrection?

One week
One year
Forty days
Fifty days

Jesus told the Apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit.


What did Jesus do forty days after His Resurrection?

Went fishing
Made Peter the pope
Gave the Apostles the Holy Spirit
Rose on a cloud out of their sight

What did the angels tell the Apostles?

To go home
That Jesus would return
To look for Jesus
That it was about to rain

Where did the Apostles go after the Ascension?

The Upper Room
The Sea of Galilee
Peter's house



How long did Jesus stay with His disciples after His Resurrection?

Jesus told the Apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit.

What did Jesus do forty days after His Resurrection?

What did the angels tell the Apostles?

Where did the Apostles go after the Ascension?