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NT 301 - Peter and John at the Tomb

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Who met the women as they were on their way to see the disciples?

The soldiers
The pharisees
Peter and John

Who ran to the tomb when the women told them what they had seen?

Peter and John
James and John
Peter and Andrew
Philip and Bartholomew

Jesus met Peter and John as they ran to the tomb.


What did Peter and John see at the tomb?

The burial cloths

What lie were the soldiers paid to tell about Jesus's missing Body?

That His disciples took it
That it was buried in the wrong tomb
That an angel took it
That the women hid it



Who met the women as they were on their way to see the disciples?

Who ran to the tomb when the women told them what they had seen?

Jesus met Peter and John as they ran to the tomb.

What did Peter and John see at the tomb?

What lie were the soldiers paid to tell about Jesus's missing Body?