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NT 285 - The Destruction of the Temple

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What did Jesus say would happen to the stones of the Temple?

They would be torn down
They would turn green
They would turn to gold
They would grow bigger

The disciples did not believe what Jesus told them.


What signs did Jesus say would happen?

All of the above

What did Jesus say He would do after this trouble fell upon the earth?

Send the Apostles
Make a new Temple out of marble
Come again
Start His Church on a different planet

What did Jesus say people should do?

Be ready
Eat as much as they can
Hide their valuables
Become Gentiles



What did Jesus say would happen to the stones of the Temple?

The disciples did not believe what Jesus told them.

What signs did Jesus say would happen?

What did Jesus say He would do after this trouble fell upon the earth?

What did Jesus say people should do?