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NT 284 - Caesar's Tax

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What question did the men ask Jesus?

Whether the Jews should pay taxes to Caesar
If He was the Messiah
Where they should build a new city
What they should bring to the Temple

The men were trying to trap Jesus.


What did Jesus ask the men?

Whether they wanted to pay the tax
Whose face was on the coin
Why they wanted to trick Him
How expensive the tax was

What did Jesus say we should give to God?

What belongs to Caesar
What belongs to God
None of the above

Whom did Jesus say gave the most to the Temple treasury?

The rich people
The poor widow
The Romans
John the Baptist



What question did the men ask Jesus?

The men were trying to trap Jesus.

What did Jesus ask the men?

What did Jesus say we should give to God?

Whom did Jesus say gave the most to the Temple treasury?