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NT 263 - The Good Shepherd

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In the parable, what did Jesus call anyone who did not enter the sheepfold by the door?

A shepherd
A sneaky person
A thief
A farmer

What did Jesus call the one who entered the sheepfold through the door?

The shepherd
A thief
A sheep
A wolf

Why do the sheep follow the shepherd?

They know his voice
They will follow anyone
The shepherd has them tied to him
They know where to go

Jesus is the good shepherd, who will do what for the sheep?

Give them food
Give His life for them
Shear them
Build them a sheepfold

Why did some of the people get angry at Jesus's words?

He called Himself a shepherd
He called Himself a door
He called God His Father
He called them sheep



In the parable, what did Jesus call anyone who did not enter the sheepfold by the door?

What did Jesus call the one who entered the sheepfold through the door?

Why do the sheep follow the shepherd?

Jesus is the good shepherd, who will do what for the sheep?

Why did some of the people get angry at Jesus's words?