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NT 260 - Jesus Heals a Blind Man

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How did the man become blind?

He had an infection
He was hit in the eye
He was born blind
He saw a bright light

Whose sins caused the man to become blind?

His sins
His parents' sins
The Apostle's sins
No one's

What did Jesus call Himself?

The king of the world
The light of the world
The healer of the world
All of the above

What did Jesus do for the blind man?

Gave him food
Gave him money
Heals his blindness
Built him a house

The blind man did not know who had healed him.




How did the man become blind?

Whose sins caused the man to become blind?

What did Jesus call Himself?

What did Jesus do for the blind man?

The blind man did not know who had healed him.