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NT 237 - The Centurion's Faith

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What were people that were not Jewish called?


What had the centurion built for the Jews?

A synagogue
A fortress
A public gymnasium
A library

What did the centurion want Jesus to do?

Make him king
Heal his servant
Give him food
Raise his daughter from the dead

Why didn't the centurion want Jesus to come to his house?

He did not believe himself worthy
He didn't like Jews
His house was messy
He had no house

How did the centurion think Jesus could heal his servant?

By doing a surgery
By touching him
By saying the word
By sending a doctor



What were people that were not Jewish called?

What had the centurion built for the Jews?

What did the centurion want Jesus to do?

Why didn't the centurion want Jesus to come to his house?

How did the centurion think Jesus could heal his servant?