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NT 231 - Fishers of Men

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What did most of Jesus's first followers do for a living?

Tax collectors

Where did Jesus teach the people from?

The top of the Temple
The courtyard in town
A boat on the lake
The bottom of a well

How many fish had Simon and the others caught during the night?

More than they could carry
A medium amount
A little less than usual

What happened when Jesus had the men cast their nets into the water?

The nets got lost
The boat sank
They caught a huge amount of fish
They caught a whale

Why did Simon Peter tell Jesus to leave him?

He was sinful
He didn't like Jesus
He thought Jesus was in danger
He had too much work to do



What did most of Jesus's first followers do for a living?

Where did Jesus teach the people from?

How many fish had Simon and the others caught during the night?

What happened when Jesus had the men cast their nets into the water?

Why did Simon Peter tell Jesus to leave him?