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NT 228 - Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

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What was the first thing Jesus asked the Samaritan woman?

What her name was
Where her husband was
If she needed help with her bucket
For a drink of water

Whom did Jesus tell the woman to get?

The Pharisees
Her children
Her husband
The Apostles

What did the Samaritan woman do when she learned that Jesus was the Christ?

Got some water
Found the Apostles
Ran home to tell people
Promised to keep it a secret

What did Jesus say His food was?

Lamb and bitter herbs
To do the will of His Father

The Samaritans told Jesus to stay away from their village.




What was the first thing Jesus asked the Samaritan woman?

Whom did Jesus tell the woman to get?

What did the Samaritan woman do when she learned that Jesus was the Christ?

What did Jesus say His food was?

The Samaritans told Jesus to stay away from their village.