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OT 180 - Daniel Remains Faithful

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What did the Jewish men tell the prince they could not do?

Read and write
Stay in the king's court
Eat the food they were offered
Sing very well

What did Daniel ask to be fed?

Wine and meat
Bread and fish
Fruits and sugar
Vegetables and bread

Daniel and his friends finally gave in and ate the food that had been sacrificed to idols.


How did Nebuchadnezzar feel about the four Jewish men when they were brought before him?

He was angry
He was pleased
He was sorry he had chosen them
He was scared of them

Daniel and his friends were given important positions in the kingdom.




What did the Jewish men tell the prince they could not do?

What did Daniel ask to be fed?

Daniel and his friends finally gave in and ate the food that had been sacrificed to idols.

How did Nebuchadnezzar feel about the four Jewish men when they were brought before him?

Daniel and his friends were given important positions in the kingdom.