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OT 153 - Jonah Goes to Nineveh

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How long did Jonah tell the people they had until Nineveh would be destroyed?

Two weeks
40 days
60 days
One year

When the people of Nineveh heard Jonah preach, they turned from their sins.


What did the king of Nineveh do?

Dressed in sackcloth
Ordered the people to fast
Told the people to turn to God
All of the above

How did Jonah feel when he learned that Nineveh would be spared?


What did Jonah ask God to do when the plant died?

Take his life
Make a new plant
Send him home
Make it cool and breezy



How long did Jonah tell the people they had until Nineveh would be destroyed?

When the people of Nineveh heard Jonah preach, they turned from their sins.

What did the king of Nineveh do?

How did Jonah feel when he learned that Nineveh would be spared?

What did Jonah ask God to do when the plant died?