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OT 142 - Elijah Raises a Boy from the Dead

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What did the woman and her husband from Shunem build for Elisha?

A stable for his animals
A room in their home for him
A chariot
A well

What did the woman ask Elisha for?

A son
Flocks of sheep

Who did the woman go to see when her son died?

Her husband
The chief priest
The king

Whom did Elisha send to the woman's house?

Her husband
A donkey
The army

What did Elisha do to the boy?

Made him king
Sent him to Jerusalem
Raised him from the dead
Had him arrested



What did the woman and her husband from Shunem build for Elisha?

What did the woman ask Elisha for?

Who did the woman go to see when her son died?

Whom did Elisha send to the woman's house?

What did Elisha do to the boy?