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OT 129 - Jeroboam's Children

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In what way did the prophet disobey the Lord?

He lied to Jeroboam
He helped the Philistines
He ate where the Lord had told him not to
He did not eat the food the Lord gave him

What did the prophet Ahijah say would happen to Jeroboam's children?

They would become kings
They would not get married
They would be tall and strong
They would die

What sin had Israel committed?

They built a temple
They had not farmed the land
They had worshiped idols
They sacrificed goats

Who became king when Jeroboam died?


Who killed Jeroboam's children and made himself king?

Nadab's brother in law
Nadab's servant Baasha
Jeroboam's best friend



In what way did the prophet disobey the Lord?

What did the prophet Ahijah say would happen to Jeroboam's children?

What sin had Israel committed?

Who became king when Jeroboam died?

Who killed Jeroboam's children and made himself king?