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OT 124 - The Wisdom of Solomon

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What did Solomon ask God for?

A long life
Victory over his enemies

What did the two women both claim belonged to them?

A fancy dress
Gold and silver
A living baby
A dead baby

What did Solomon command his soldier to do, to test the women?

Ask the women questions about the baby
Cut the baby in half
Adopt the baby himself
Hide the baby and see who finds it

What did the true mother beg Solomon to do?

Not kill the baby, but let the other woman have it
Give her the baby and put the other woman in jail
Give each woman a new baby
Raise the baby as a prince

God had given Solomon wisdom beyond his age.




What did Solomon ask God for?

What did the two women both claim belonged to them?

What did Solomon command his soldier to do, to test the women?

What did the true mother beg Solomon to do?

God had given Solomon wisdom beyond his age.