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OT 093 - The Philistines Take the Ark

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Who attacked the Israelites?

The Moabites
The Amorites
The Canaanites
The Philistines

What did the Israelites decide to take with them in battle?

A cannon
Their wives
Lions and tigers
The Ark of the Covenant

What happened to the Ark?

The Philistines took it
The Israelites buried it
It vanished in front of them
It got broken

What happened to Eli when he heard what had happened?

He ran away
He lost his memory
He fell off his seat and died
The people made him king

How did Israel get the Ark back?

They stole it in the night
An angel brought it back
The Philistines sent it back
Samuel demanded it from the Philistine king



Who attacked the Israelites?

What did the Israelites decide to take with them in battle?

What happened to the Ark?

What happened to Eli when he heard what had happened?

How did Israel get the Ark back?