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OT 086 - Samson

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Who overpowered Israel when they began worshiping idols again?

The Philistines
The Moabites
The Egyptians
The Greeks

What was Samson not supposed to do?

Get married
Start fires
Drink wine or cut his hair
Go hunting or eat honey

What animal did Samson defeat on his way to Timnath?

A lion
A bear
An elephant
A bee

What did Samson use the foxes for?

To eat the Philistines' chickens
To show him the way back home
To set the Philistines' fields on fire
As pets

What did the Philistines do to Samson's wife?

Gave her money
Sent her away
Built her a new house
Killed her



Who overpowered Israel when they began worshiping idols again?

What was Samson not supposed to do?

What animal did Samson defeat on his way to Timnath?

What did Samson use the foxes for?

What did the Philistines do to Samson's wife?