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OT 084 - Gideon Defeats the Midianites

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What did the Midianites do when the Israelites blew their trumpets?

Tried to escape
Hid in their tents
Called their friends for help

What did the men from Ephraim guard?

The Midianite city
The foot of the mountain
The place where the men could wade across the Jordan River
The temple

Why were the leaders of Ephraim angry with Gideon?

Their part in the battle had been small
They wanted more treasure from Midian
They wanted him to be their king
They thought he was friends with the Midianites

How did Gideon make friends with the men of Ephraim?

He threatened them
He ignored them
He gave them gold
He praised them

What role did Gideon serve in for the rest of his life?

High priest



What did the Midianites do when the Israelites blew their trumpets?

What did the men from Ephraim guard?

Why were the leaders of Ephraim angry with Gideon?

How did Gideon make friends with the men of Ephraim?

What role did Gideon serve in for the rest of his life?