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OT 065 - Job Stays Faithful to God

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What happened to Job's body?

It grew strong
It was covered with boils
His arms and legs stopped working
It became very small

Who told Job to curse God and die?

His wife
His friends
An angel
His sheep and donkeys

Why did Job's friends think that he was suffering?

Because he was holy
Because God didn't like him
Because he had done something wicked
Because he was not a good friend

Who brought an offering to God and needed Job's prayers for forgiveness?

Job's wife
Job's children
Job's friends

What happened to Job because he was faithful?

He died
He lost his friends
He left his homeland
God blessed him even more than before



What happened to Job's body?

Who told Job to curse God and die?

Why did Job's friends think that he was suffering?

Who brought an offering to God and needed Job's prayers for forgiveness?

What happened to Job because he was faithful?