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OT 058 - Return to Canaan

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What bit the Israelites, causing many of them to die?

Mountain lions

What did God command Moses to build?

A brass serpent
A golden chair
A silver cross
A paper airplane

What happened to people who were bitten by the snakes and looked at the brass serpent?

They died
They turned into snakes
They lived
They forgot who they were

What people attacked the Israelites but were defeated?

The Edomites
The Amorites
The Romans
The Greeks

What river did the people come to, across which they could see Canaan?

The Nile River
The Jordan River
The East Canaan River
The Mississippi River



What bit the Israelites, causing many of them to die?

What did God command Moses to build?

What happened to people who were bitten by the snakes and looked at the brass serpent?

What people attacked the Israelites but were defeated?

What river did the people come to, across which they could see Canaan?