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Palm Sunday and Holy Week

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What happens to the Palms after Palm Sunday?

They are made into crosses.
Parishioners take them home.
They are returned to church to be burned for next year's Ash Wednesday.
All of the above.

Why is Palm Sunday called Palm Sunday?

Jesus wore palms on his garment.
There were palm trees along the path.
The people spread palms in front of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem.
The people wore palms in their hair.

What did Jesus ride on into the city?

A camel
A horse
He walked
A donkey

Into what city did Jesus enter on Palm Sunday?


What day marks the beginning of Holy Week?

Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Resurrection Sunday
Maundy Thursday



What happens to the Palms after Palm Sunday?

Why is Palm Sunday called Palm Sunday?

What did Jesus ride on into the city?

Into what city did Jesus enter on Palm Sunday?

What day marks the beginning of Holy Week?