AMS Family Moment - Grade 5
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Who is described in the Nicene Creed as the Lord, the giver of life?
Which characteristics of the Church are mentioned in the Nicene Creed?
What does the word Gospel mean?
Who is not on the list of the twelve apostles?
What are supernatural signs of God's grace instituted by Christ that make us holy?
Which sacraments lay a foundation for Christian life?
What are celebrations of the church year that recall the life of Christ, his mother and those of the saints?
What are actions of the Holy Spirit that intend to make us holy?
What must be present for any act to be moral?
What is the voice within us that helps us know right from wrong?
When is a human being created and irreversibly loved by God?
How will Jesus recognize his chosen ones?
What is prayer more like?
With what words does the liturgy begin?
Who speaks in the name of all the Church?
Who is the head of the Archdiocese for the Military Services?
Who is the "rock" upon whom the Church would be built?
Who are baptized Christians that share the same sacraments but are in an imperfect communion with the Catholic Church?
What is another term that means "precious" in God's eyes?
Which virtue promotes respect for the body?
Jesus calls his disciples "to take up their ____ and follow him."
When does one first get initiated into the life of discipleship?
What requires the practice of justice and alone makes us capable of it?
What is stewardship?
What religious tradition acknowledges the creator and holds the faith of Abraham?
Who were the first to hear the Word of God?
Because of God's universal plan of salvation for all, the Church must have what kind of dynamic?
What is it called to share our faith with others through word and example?