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The Annunciation

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Fill In The Blanks

1. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she was to be the mother of the Messiah, {{2fill}}.

2. God had chosen her before she was born and kept her {{2fill}} from the very first moment of her conception.

3. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary saying, "Hail, {{2fill}}, the Lord is with you!"

4. Mary replied, "Behold, I am {{2fill}}; let it be done to me according to your word."

5. Nine months after the Annunciation, we will celebrate {{2fill}}, the day Jesus was born.

6. The gospel tells us Jesus was like us in all things except {{2fill}}.

Answer Options
the handmaid of the Lord
full of grace
obeying the Lord
free from original sin
daughter of God

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