Lesson 24 - Baptism Grade 6-8
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Fill In The Blanks
Drag and drop the answers to the blanks in the question to play the game...
- Total Attempts: 0
- Correct Answers : 0
- Blanks Remaining : 5
- Failed Attempts : 0
Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
Baptism washes away {{2fill}}.
- 2.
Baptism makes us members of the {{2fill}}, the family of God.
- 3.
Getting baptized is being {{2fill}} again.
- 4.
A person is baptized in the Name of the {{2fill}}, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- 5.
Baptism imprints a Character, on the soul, so it can only be received {{2fill}}.
Answer Options
Answer Options
- Once
- Original Sin
- Actual Sin
- Father
- Escape
- God
- Twice
- Mass
- Born
- Church