Lesson 06 - Actual Sin Grade 6-8

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What can help keep us from committing sin?


Which is not a capital sin?


True/False - Committing venial sins is no big deal.


Which capital sin supports our vocation to love God and neighbor?


Which capital sin might lead us to seek revenge on someone?


Which capital sin is sorrow over another person's good?


Which capital sin seeks to use another person to satisfy our own disordered desires?


Which capital sin leads us to constantly want more things, even while others don't have enough?


Which capital sin is a laziness that leads us to ignore our responsibilities?


Which capital sin is an overindulgence in food and drink?


Which capital sin is a disordered love for or an exaltation of ourselves?


What are near occasions of sin?


What conditions are necessary for a sin to be mortal?


What type of sin kills the life of grace in the soul?


What is any deliberate thought, word, action, or omission that is forbidden by God called?



What can help keep us from committing sin?

Which is not a capital sin?

True/False - Committing venial sins is no big deal.

Which capital sin supports our vocation to love God and neighbor?

Which capital sin might lead us to seek revenge on someone?

Which capital sin is sorrow over another person's good?

Which capital sin seeks to use another person to satisfy our own disordered desires?

Which capital sin leads us to constantly want more things, even while others don't have enough?

Which capital sin is a laziness that leads us to ignore our responsibilities?

Which capital sin is an overindulgence in food and drink?

Which capital sin is a disordered love for or an exaltation of ourselves?

What are near occasions of sin?

What conditions are necessary for a sin to be mortal?

What type of sin kills the life of grace in the soul?

What is any deliberate thought, word, action, or omission that is forbidden by God called?

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