Lesson 30 - Contrition Grade 3-5

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A firm purpose of sinning no more includes trying to avoid near occasions of sin.


Meditating on the Passion of our Lord can help deepen our contrition.


Someone who has committed a mortal sin must go to Confession before receiving _________________.


If someone has committed a mortal sin but has made an act of perfect contrition, he does not need to go to Confession.


When should someone receive the sacrament of penance if he has committed a mortal sin?


The sacrament of penance is invalid unless we have perfect contrition.


For which sins should we have contrition?


What type of contrition is inspired by fear of hell?


What type of contrition is inspired by love of God?


What is contrition?



A firm purpose of sinning no more includes trying to avoid near occasions of sin.

Meditating on the Passion of our Lord can help deepen our contrition.

Someone who has committed a mortal sin must go to Confession before receiving _________________.

If someone has committed a mortal sin but has made an act of perfect contrition, he does not need to go to Confession.

When should someone receive the sacrament of penance if he has committed a mortal sin?

The sacrament of penance is invalid unless we have perfect contrition.

For which sins should we have contrition?

What type of contrition is inspired by fear of hell?

What type of contrition is inspired by love of God?

What is contrition?

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