CatholicBrain offers spiritual food for the young mind and the youthful soul! I encourage parents and all who help with the faith formation of children to check out all the great things the program offers. The online platform is attractive, engaging, easy-to-use, and completely orthodox. I very highly recommend it!
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Author, Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual FatherI highly recommend CatholicBrain as an outstanding resource for primary and intermediate aged children to come to know and love Jesus and His Catholic Church. It is colorful, engaging, and informative. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that God put us in the world to know, to love, and to serve him, and so to come to paradise. (CCC 1721) At a time in which religious illiteracy runs rampant, it is crucial that Catholic educators in our parishes, schools, and homes, help our children to know Jesus and the truths of the Faith in an engaging way so that they can love Him and serve Him, and eventually get to Heaven
and hopefully help others get there, too.
Catholicism is a wonderful gift from our Lord. CatholicBrain is an innovative resource for catechists, teachers, parents, and principals to help kids learn both what the Church teaches and why she teaches as she does. Through their online format and the use of innovative, content-rich games, videos, printables, as well as an excellent use of the liturgical calendar, CatholicBrain helps the Faith come alive as the fascinating adventure it is. It is a tool that can help the Catholic roots of our children and youth to grow deeply in rich soil so that they may come to bear fruit, "30, 60, and a 100 fold."
Jim Gontis
Director, Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, Diocese of HarrisburgI checked out CatholicBrain and think it's a well done teaching tool especially to young people today. You may use my name to get this into the hands of every parish you can. God bless you, Gloria Boesch
Gloria Boesch, 7:17 AM
Trivandrum, KeralaI found Catholic Brain to be a fantastic resource. We used it daily during Lent.
Catholic Brain is an invaluable tool aimed to broaden students understanding and passion for the Catholic faith. Content is informative and engaging and students love every minute they are able to spend using Catholic Brain in the classroom!
I used the Lenten Resources provided by and found it very useful especially with my kindergarten class. The PreK enjoyed the matching games and the lives of the Saints were very useful with the kindergarten classes since I also teach them about the Saints. I am hoping that we will be able to find the monies in our budget to implement the Catholic Brain program in our next school year of 2018-2019.
"Those of us that work in Ministry should be constantly striving to meet those in our care where they are. For our young people, this is often through digital media, and allows us this opportunity with quality, Catholic content."
Your site looks wonderful !!! I am so excited to use it. I'm also passing it on to my fellow teachers:) Thank you to all of you for putting together such a wonderful AND needed site. I spend MANY hours locating great ideas and solid resources that I use and share with other teachers, to support our curriculum and teach our Catholic faith. Thank you to all of you for putting together such a wonderful AND needed site. I spend MANY hours locating great ideas and solid resources that I use and share with other teachers, to support our curriculum and teach our Catholic faith. Thank you again ~Nancy
Hi! My students in grades 3 and 4 look forward to using the website every day! They love it! My only request is that there be more Jesus Stories videos. The kids absolutely loved those and I havent found more than 1 or 2 so far. Thanks so much! Ms. Vuono
The saints in every age excel at using new media to reach people. Constantine did it with the book when the scroll was going out of style. Father Peyton did it with the radio. Bishop Sheen did it with the TV. CatholicBrain stands in that great tradition, teaching youth the way they actually can be taught, in words that actually make sense. Dr. Scott Hahn
Dr Scott Hahn
Professor of Theology & Scripture, Speaker & Author