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Quiz - The Holy Family

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What is the month of February dedicated to?

The Holy Name of Mary
The Holy Trinity
The Holy Family
Saint Joseph

What kind of family was Jesus born into?

A poor family
A rich family
An Egyptian family
An American family

Shortly after Jesus' birth who wished to kill Him because he feared Jesus would take his throne?

King John
King Herod
Angel Gabriel
The Egyptians

Where did the Holy Family go to protect Jesus from King Herod?


After returning from Egypt, where did the Holy Family live?


The time in Jesus' life, until He was baptized by John the Baptist when He was 30 years old, is known as what?

"Time of hiding"
"Quiet time"
"Learning years"
"Hidden years"

The Bible contains many stories of Jesus during the "hidden years."


What work did Joseph do to provide for Jesus and Mary?

He was a sailor
He was a fisherman
He was a carpenter
He was a soldier

Mary and Joseph taught Jesus how to pray and live as a Jew.


What does the Holy Family teach us?

To do what is required of us without whining or complaining
To obey our parents when they ask us to do something
To make God the center of our lives
All of the above



What is the month of February dedicated to?

What kind of family was Jesus born into?

Shortly after Jesus' birth who wished to kill Him because he feared Jesus would take his throne?

Where did the Holy Family go to protect Jesus from King Herod?

After returning from Egypt, where did the Holy Family live?

The time in Jesus' life, until He was baptized by John the Baptist when He was 30 years old, is known as what?

The Bible contains many stories of Jesus during the "hidden years."

What work did Joseph do to provide for Jesus and Mary?

Mary and Joseph taught Jesus how to pray and live as a Jew.

What does the Holy Family teach us?