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Sirach 24

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Sirach 24

1Wisdom will praise herself,

and will glory in the midst of her people.a

2In the assembly of the Most High she will open her mouth,

and in the presence of his host she will glory:

3"I came forth from the mouth of the Most High,

and covered the earth like a mist.

4I dwelt in high places,

and my throne was in a pillar of cloud.

5Alone I have made the circuit of the vault of heaven

and have walked in the depths of the abyss.

6In the waves of the sea, in the whole earth,

and in every people and nation I have gotten a possession.

7Among all these I sought a resting place;

I sought in whose territory I might lodge.

8"Then the Creator of all things gave me a commandment,

and the one who created me assigned a place for my tent.

And he said, 'Make your dwelling in Jacob,

and in Israel receive your inheritance.'

9From eternity, in the beginning, he created me,

and for eternity I shall not cease to exist.

10In the holy tabernacle I ministered before him,

and so I was established in Zion.

11In the beloved city likewise he gave me a resting place,

and in Jerusalem was my dominion.

12So I took root in an honored people,

in the portion of the Lord, who is their inheritance.

13"I grew tall like a cedar in Leb'anon,

and like a cypress on the heights of Hermon.

14I grew tall like a palm tree in En-ged'i,b

and like rose plants in Jericho;

like a beautiful olive tree in the field,

and like a plane tree I grew tall.

15Like cassia and camel's thorn I gave forth the aroma of spices,

and like choice myrrh I spread a pleasant odor,

like gal'banum, on'ycha, and stacte,

and like the fragrance of frankincense in the tabernacle.

16Like a terebinth I spread out my branches,

and my branches are glorious and graceful.

17Like a vine I caused loveliness to bud,

and my blossoms became glorious and abundant fruit.c

19"Come to me, you who desire me,

and eat your fill of my produce.

20For the remembrance of me is sweeter than honey,

and my inheritance sweeter than the honeycomb.

21Those who eat me will hunger for more,

and those who drink me will thirst for more.

22Whoever obeys me will not be put to shame,

and those who work with my help will not sin."

Wisdom and the Law

23All this is the book of the covenant of the Most High God,

the law which Moses commanded us

as an inheritance for the congregations of Jacob.d

25It fills men with wisdom, like the Pishon,

and like the Tigris at the time of the first fruits.

26It makes them full of understanding, like the Euphrates,

and like the Jordan at harvest time.

27It makes instruction shine forth like light,

like the Gihon at the time of vintage.

28Just as the first man did not know her perfectly,

the last one has not fathomed her;

29for her thought is more abundant than the sea,

and her counsel deeper than the great abyss.

30I went forth like a canal from a river

and like a water channel into a garden.

31I said, "I will water my orchard

and drench my garden plot";

and lo, my canal became a river,

and my river became a sea.

32I will again make instruction shine forth like the dawn,

and I will make it shine afar;

33I will again pour out teaching like prophecy,

and leave it to all future generations.

34Observe that I have not labored for myself alone,

but for all who seek instruction.e