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CatholicBrain Subscription Plans

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CatholicBrain Subscription Plans

Get Unlimited Access for Your Family, Class, School or Parish

Join hundreds of Parishes, Schools & parents who use our interactive resources to help young Catholics learn, understand and practice their faith. Access over 5000 interactive videos, quizzes, games, bible stories, saint stories, catechism videos, lesson plans, seasonal programs & assessments.

For smaller parishes or schools, please contact us for a separate quote

CatholicBrain Value Box

(Faith Formation Programs & Resources for PreK - 8th Grade)

1. Programs & Curriculum

Adventure Catechism Video Series
365 Daily Bible Video Series
365 Daily Saint Video Series
Advent Program with Brother Francis
40 Days of Lent Program
VBS Program
Summer Catechism
First Communion
Pillars of the Faith

2. Daily & Weekly Activities

Daily Mass Readings (Summarized for Children)
Daily Bible Videos
Daily Saint Video
Daily Quiz
Weekly Mass Printable Activities

3. Assessments & Competitions

First Communion Bowl
Confirmation Assessment Bowl
Bible Assessment
Faith Formation Assessment
Catechism Bowl

4. Learning Resources

Catholic Bible
Catholic Dictionary
Thousands of Videos
Lesson Plans

5. Classroom Management

Homework & Family Activities
Manage Students
Manage Catechists
Lesson Scheduling
Email & Text Messaging
Catholic Brain Connect App

6. Community & Networking(Coming Soon)

DRE Community
CatholicBrain Annual Conference
CatholicBrain Educators

7. CatholicBrain Store

Access our Faith Formation Store
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Subscribers receive a 20% discount
Books, videos and gift items
For smaller parishes or schools, please contact us for a separate quote

Schools & Parishes Using CatholicBrain

Bishop Ronald William Gainer

Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


CatholicBrain is an innovative platform designed to answer the need to meet youth in parishes, Catholic schools and homeschool environments. Using technology, the creators of CatholicBrain have developed a platform that teaches youth Pre-K through 8th grade the Catholic faith.

After reviewing the CatholicBrain platform, I fully endorse their work and their mission to serve the Church in forming the next generation of Catholics in the faith through innovative methodologies for the 21st century.