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Confirmation Program Gr 6-8

Confirmation - Lesson 01 - What is Confirmation?

Confirmation - Lesson 01 - What is Confirmation?

Confirmation - Lesson 02 - Who is God?

Confirmation - Lesson 02 - Who is God?

Confirmation - Lesson 03 - Who is Jesus?

Confirmation - Lesson 03 - Who is Jesus?

Confirmation - Lesson 04 - The Trinity

Confirmation - Lesson 04 - The Trinity

Confirmation - Lesson 05 - The Holy Spirit

Confirmation - Lesson 05 - The Holy Spirit

Confirmation - Lesson 06 - The Bible

Confirmation - Lesson 06 - The Bible

Confirmation - Lesson 07 - Sin

Confirmation - Lesson 07 - Sin

Confirmation - Lesson 08 - Redemption

Confirmation - Lesson 08 - Redemption

Confirmation - Lesson 09 - The Paschal Mystery

Confirmation - Lesson 09 - The Paschal Mystery

Confirmation - Lesson 10 - The Church

Confirmation - Lesson 10 - The Church

Confirmation - Lesson 11 - The Teaching Church

Confirmation - Lesson 11 - The Teaching Church

Confirmation - Lesson 12 - Communion of Saints

Confirmation - Lesson 12 - Communion of Saints

Confirmation - Lesson 13 - Mary, Our Mother

Confirmation - Lesson 13 - Mary, Our Mother

Confirmation - Lesson 14 - More About Mary

Confirmation - Lesson 14 - More About Mary

Confirmation - Lesson 15 - Angels

Confirmation - Lesson 15 - Angels

Confirmation - Lesson 16 - Suffering

Confirmation - Lesson 16 - Suffering

Confirmation - Lesson 17 - Sacraments and Grace

Confirmation - Lesson 17 - Sacraments and Grace

Confirmation - Lesson 18 - The Eucharist

Confirmation - Lesson 18 - The Eucharist

Confirmation - Lesson 19 - The Mass

Confirmation - Lesson 19 - The Mass

Confirmation - Lesson 20 - Confession

Confirmation - Lesson 20 - Confession

Confirmation - Lesson 21 - The Ten Commandments

Confirmation - Lesson 21 - The Ten Commandments

Confirmation - Lesson 22 - The Beatitudes

Confirmation - Lesson 22 - The Beatitudes

Confirmation - Lesson 23 - Theology of the Body

Confirmation - Lesson 23 - Theology of the Body

Confirmation - Lesson 24 - Right to Life

Confirmation - Lesson 24 - Right to Life

Confirmation - Lesson 25 - Social Justice

Confirmation - Lesson 25 - Social Justice