Mass Quizzes
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What is the special song we sing before the scripture readings when we echo the proclamation of the angels at Christ's birth?
The Church requires us to attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and _________ .
Take this all of you and drink from it, this is the cup of my _________________ .
When we first enter the church, we should dip our finger in the holy water font and then _________ ,
After proclaiming the Gospel, the priest will give his _________________ .
After a lay person reads the readings, the priest reads _____________ .
During Ordinary Time, what color vestments do priests wear?
During Lent and Advent what color vestments do priests wear?
During Easter and Christmas what color vestments do priests wear?
On Pentecost, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Martyr's Feast Days what color vestments do priests wear?
The special clothes a priest wears during Mass are called __________ .
Where was the first Mass celebrated?
The object that holds the Eucharist when Mass is over is called _________ .
What makes a Catholic church building unique to any other church?
At the end of Mass, when the priest or deacon says, "The Mass is ended. Go in peace." We reply, " _______."
We process to the front of the church to receive ___________.
After praying the Lord's Prayer, we pray for peace and as a sign of hope turn to people around us to give ____________.
After Consecration, we proclaim the ________ .
Take this all of you and eat, for this is my ____________ which will be given up for you.
Pronounced by a priest at Mass, the words of _________ transform the bread and wine on the altar into the Body of Christ.
The prayer the congregation prays together asking for God's intercession is called _______________ .
We recite ______________ after the priest gives his homily.
What are the young people called who assist the priest at the altar?
What happens to any hosts that are not used during the Mass?