Adventure Catechism Lesson 21 - What Is Penance?
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Fill In The Blanks
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Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
God knows everything, but we can demonstrate that we are sorry for our sins by doing {{2fill}}.
- 2.
We receive a penance in the sacrament of {{2fill}}.
- 3.
Penance is not paying for {{2fill}}, but it can help us understand how serious sin is.
- 4.
In the Bible, some people wore {{2fill}} as penance.
- 5.
Penance can help us {{2fill}} and heal from our sin.
- 6.
Good penances can include prayer, {{2fill}} and good works.
Answer Options
Answer Options
- confession
- punishment
- baptism
- penance
- forgiveness
- sacrifice
- give alms
- learn
- camel hair
- sackcloth
- forget