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Adventure Catechism Lesson 10 - What is the Lord's Prayer?
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Fill In The Blanks
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- Total Attempts: 0
- Correct Answers : 0
- Blanks Remaining : 6
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Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
Our {{2fill}}, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
- 2.
Thy {{2fill}} come,
- 3.
thy will be done, on {{2fill}} as it is in heaven.
- 4.
Give us this day our daily {{2fill}},
- 5.
and forgive us our {{2fill}}, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
- 6.
And lead us not into tempation, but {{2fill}} us from evil. Amen.
Answer Options
Answer Options
- Father
- earth
- debts
- gift
- deliver
- bread
- kingdom
- trespasses
- guard
- empire
- Mother