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Visions from Jesus about the feast day were revealed to ___________.

St. Bridget
St. Margaret
St. Juliana
St. Jill

Corpus Christi is Latin for ____________.

Body of Christ
Christ the King
Head of Christ
Body of God

Which pope instituted the feast of Corpus Christi?

Pope John Paul
Pope Urban IV
Pope Benedict IV
Pope Pius II

The feast of Corpus Christi was instituted a year after what occurred?

The curing of the leaper
The miracle the sun
The curing of the blind man
The miracle of the bleeding host

In what year was the feast of Corpus Christi instituted?




Visions from Jesus about the feast day were revealed to ___________.

Corpus Christi is Latin for ____________.

Which pope instituted the feast of Corpus Christi?

The feast of Corpus Christi was instituted a year after what occurred?

In what year was the feast of Corpus Christi instituted?