Lesson 31 - Confession Grade 6-8

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True/False - Our debt of temporal punishment can be paid in this life or in purgatory.


What type of punishment can sin incur?


Whom can a priest tell what he learns in confession?


True/False - If a person intentionally conceals a mortal sin in confession, it is okay to receive Holy Communion without making a good confession first.


True/False - If a person honestly forgets to confess a mortal sin, he can receive Communion and mention the sin at his next confession.


Which describes a confession in which we leave nothing out that we ought to include?


Which describes a confession in which we are honest and tell the truth?


Which describes a confession in which we take responsibility for our sins without making excuses?


Which sins are we obligated to confess?


To whom do we confess our sins to receive absolution?



True/False - Our debt of temporal punishment can be paid in this life or in purgatory.

What type of punishment can sin incur?

Whom can a priest tell what he learns in confession?

True/False - If a person intentionally conceals a mortal sin in confession, it is okay to receive Holy Communion without making a good confession first.

True/False - If a person honestly forgets to confess a mortal sin, he can receive Communion and mention the sin at his next confession.

Which describes a confession in which we leave nothing out that we ought to include?

Which describes a confession in which we are honest and tell the truth?

Which describes a confession in which we take responsibility for our sins without making excuses?

Which sins are we obligated to confess?

To whom do we confess our sins to receive absolution?

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