Lesson 31 - Confession Grade 6-8
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Fill In The Blanks
Drag and drop the answers to the blanks in the question to play the game...
- Total Attempts: 0
- Correct Answers : 0
- Blanks Remaining : 7
- Failed Attempts : 0
Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
{{2fill}} is the telling of our sins to a priest to obtain Forgiveness.
- 2.
Our confession is {{2fill}} when we take responsibility for our sins without making excuses.
- 3.
Our confession is {{2fill}} when we tell the truth.
- 4.
Our confession is {{2fill}} when we don't leave anything out.
- 5.
We must confess all {{2fill}} sins.
- 6.
We must not intentionally {{2fill}} a mortal sin.
- 7.
At the end of our confession, we will receive a {{2fill}}.
Answer Options
Answer Options
- Sincere
- Secrete
- Penance
- Entire
- Humble
- Absolution
- terminal
- Conceal
- Confession
- Simple
- Full
- Serious
- Relation
- Mortal