Kerygma 4 Kids - Grade 5, Chapter 2 --- Jesus is Your Valentine

This lesson contains the proclamation of the kerygma--- the Good News that Jesus died and rose to save us from sin.

We begin by helping the children understand the effects of sin. At this age, children are developing a mature sense of right and wrong and are good at solving social issues. They are inquisitive and good problem solvers. As such, the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man are introduced to help them understand the source of sin and the consequences of sin for the human race. Death was not part of God's original plan.

The impossibility of reaching heaven without Jesus cannot be ignored and is presented here in an age-appropriate way. The aim is to help the child grasp the necessity of Jesus for our salvation.

A story is presented as an analogy to show the radical love of God and what Jesus accomplishes through His passion, death, and resurrection. It's "unthinkable" that a person would offer to be punished for someone else's mistake; this unlikely act offers a glimpse into the sacrifice of Christ.

The lesson closes by reminding the children that Jesus is alive today and that forgiveness of sins is offered to us. Through Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, we have access to His grace, which has a real effect on our souls.