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Reconciliation Lesson 4

Total : 5
Remaining : 5
Correct : 0
Incorrect : 0

True/False: If we have not committed mortal sins, we should not go to Reconciliation.


Which sins must we confess?

Mortal sins
Venial sins
Interesting sins
Only sins that are not embarrassing

Where do priests get the power to set people free from sin?

Studying hard
Being holy
Being good listeners
The Holy Spirit

Whom did Jesus first give the power to free people from sin to?

John the Baptist
The Apostles

When we go to Reconciliation, whom do we confess our sins to?

Our parents
A priest
Any holy person
The police



True/False: If we have not committed mortal sins, we should not go to Reconciliation.

Which sins must we confess?

Where do priests get the power to set people free from sin?

Whom did Jesus first give the power to free people from sin to?

When we go to Reconciliation, whom do we confess our sins to?