Adventure Catechism Lesson 33 - What is Lent?
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Fill In The Blanks
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- Total Attempts: 0
- Correct Answers : 0
- Blanks Remaining : 7
- Failed Attempts : 0
Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
The liturgical season of {{2fill}} lasts for 40 days.
- 2.
Jesus spent 40 days fasting and praying in the {{2fill}}.
- 3.
Lent is a season of {{2fill}}.
- 4.
Giving things up is a form of {{2fill}}.
- 5.
Besides sacrifice, we should also focus on {{2fill}} and good works during Lent.
- 6.
Lent begins on {{2fill}}.
- 7.
Lent leads up to the {{2fill}} season
Answer Options
Answer Options
- repentance
- Ash Wednesday
- thanksgiving
- Easter
- desert
- scripture
- mountains
- Passover
- Pentecost
- Advent
- Lent
- prayer
- sacrifice